The Couch: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
The Couch: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome The NAJIT Observer A Brief...
The NAJIT Observer (TNO) was created in 2011 in response to NAJIT’s members need for a tool to share information, first-hand experiences, and the occasional fun moment with colleagues. We are delighted with the response TNO has received from our members and subscribers. And thanks to our dedicated and generous contributors, TNO’s archive features an amazing number of posts that you can search by category or author.
Do you want to contribute a post? Send us an email at
Enjoy The NAJIT Observer!
The Couch: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome The NAJIT Observer A Brief...
Writing for The NAJIT Observer By: The NAJIT Observer Writing for ...
Listen to Your Body: Rest Now or Pay Later By Julli Jaramillo Living in t...
A Year of Growth, Gratitude, and Community: Welcome to 2025 The NAJIT Obs...
The Couch: Starting Fresh-Advice for New Graduates in Judiciary Translation and ...
Judiciary Translation vs. Judiciary Interpretation: Which Path Resonates with Yo...
Preparing to Do Relay with a Colleague Abroad Reme Bashi Have you ever...
Interpreter’s Fatigue: A Real Threat to Due Process By Hilda Shyman...
Let’s Test Your Ethics The NAJIT Observer Team Welcome to “Let’s Test Yo...
About the LEP’s Right to “Hear Everything” in Court Janis Palma One...
The Importance of Being Called by Your Name By: Ann Heath-Huynh As the ye...
The Day of the Dead: El Día de Muertos – A Lesson in Adapting to Change By Re...
Breaking Attorney Client Privilege: “Who, Me?” By: Hilda Shymanik A f...
It’s Always a Good Day to Make New Friends By: The NAJIT Observer Meet NAJIT...
There’s something we never want to talk about. Not unless it comes knocking on...
Have you ever been on assignments that booked you for a hearing but turned out t...
When the topic comes up among my colleagues of discussing our work as interprete...
Any seasoned interpreter will tell you why we work in teams on long assignments....
The cat is out of the bag. You can’t un-ring a bell. These are a couple of say...
Over a year ago, I landed a great gig. I work four days a week under an open-end...
In a prior blog, I wrote about the interpreter’s qualifications from a Human R...
Dear Readers, Happy September! I’ll never understand how, but time just keeps ...
To quote Shakespeare, “apparel oft proclaims the man”. It has taken me over ...
Let me begin with a disclaimer: documentation about the early codes of ethics fo...
Introduction As an interpreter with over 22 years of experience, I have witnesse...
In Wisconsin, the State Court Interpreter Program and certification are turning ...
Many times, I am saved by the bell. Last week I was in court, on time waiting fo...
After Covid, everyone scrambled to adapt to the new way of life, trying to resto...
The United States District Courts and Circuit Courts of Appeal have said time an...
I came to the profession as many of you did, if you started your interpreting ca...
Well, folks, I did it! I got my dream assignment. Perhaps surprisingly, it wasn...
Several weeks ago, a friend and freelance colleague fell in the cafeteria of the...
I know several interpreters who are terrible with computers yet exceptional with...
I have to be really honest. Every time I hear about a problem here or there with...
The Couch is a place to exchange ideas and brainstorm, not only for its contrib...
We are always writing about colleagues asking us about fees, and we are horrifie...
In most states, a bilingual individual who wishes to be on the court’s roster ...
My heart is racing and the more I think about it, the angrier I get. I was in co...
The Couch is a place to exchange ideas and brainstorm, not only for its contrib...
Are you ever surprised by how we go from the Thanksgiving holiday, a season of t...
I have been turning this question around in my head for a while, since someone r...
The Couch is a place to exchange ideas and brainstorm, not only for its contrib...
Early on in my interpreting career, I learned an important lesson: the Judge is ...
In the heart of Puerto Rico, a hidden treasure, thrives a small, close community...
“Your Honor, why don’t we have the interpreter read the script generated by ...
For a long time, I have wondered why the interpreting profession is respected mo...
Using wireless interpreting equipment provides a plethora of advantages. So why ...
Three years ago I retired from thirty years as a Spanish<>English court in...
As we were reading the Summer 2023 issue of Proteus (a great issue, by the way),...
Pain in the back of your throat. A pocket full of cough drops. Dry, hoarse cough...
The popular phrase “follow the money” is what people recommend when you are ...
The Couch is a place to exchange ideas and brainstorm, not only for its contrib...
You are sure to have encountered jokes concerning non-Thai speakers’ mistakes ...
There is a practice in some of the courts where I have worked, in which the judg...
“Tell me about your mistakes,” Sara Blakely’s father used to ask every nig...
Are you ready to take your career to the next level? NAJIT invites you to empowe...
This article will exclusively address the interpretation aspect of the proceedin...
The Milwaukee-Chicago urban corridor has a diverse offering of food markets. Thi...
When Barb Fisher began interpreting for Marshallese-speaking people in 2011, she...
Last fall, I started calculating the time it takes me to do my work including tr...
Groups Will Advocate to Help Pass the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforc...
Experienced court professionals and many ordinary common citizens alike in both ...
Direct Examination: Could you please tell us what driving instructions, ...
Much ink has been spilled of late on the issue of court-interpreter pay. Here in...
When I started freelancing again after six years of work in a staff position, ei...
It was one of those weeks when everyone hates the interpreter. Weather is bad. C...
No, I don’t mean the social “privilege” we all enjoy as interpreters or tr...
The Couch is a place to exchange ideas and brainstorm, not only for its contrib...
This past March, I had the privilege of hosting a community coffee hour for one ...
I happen to be a state certified interpreter. By no means does this indicate...
Coming Full Circle This is one of the last blogs I will write while serving as N...
The Couch is a place to exchange ideas and brainstorm, not only for its contrib...
I was recently looking for something to watch on TV when I stumbled upon Amer He...
After 17 years without a raise, the per-diem court interpreters in Massachusetts...
The following article by Athena was published a while back. The NAJIT Observer ...
Per diem court interpreters succeed in securing a pay adjustment after 17 years!...
Have you seen what’s going on in recent news? Freelance court interpreters in ...
The act of interpreting has been taking place ever since two groups of people me...
Per Diem vs. Per Assignment I have been a freelance interpreter since January 20...
Two questions: 1) Is technology going to replace us? (Ironically, the “age-old...
It’s a lot of fun when you work in a venue where you can get together with col...
During the first NAJIT event I ever attended, the 35th Annual Conference in Las...
Dear Friends and Colleagues, By the time you read these words, it’ll be Januar...
On behalf of the Blog team and NAJIT as a whole, we hope you are having a very h...
I know it may seem like a tired old cliché but, come on! You have to agree with...
I first heard about the University of Arizona’s Court Interpreter Training Ins...
Oh, no! It happened again. A client insulted you. They had a non-native, non-tra...
The Couch is a place to exchange ideas and brainstorm, not only for its contrib...
This week, the Blog team felt it pertinent to re-publish a short post from 2019,...
During the first pandemic winter, I took on one of the hardest teaching assignme...
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, ...
We have all been there: tired and in need of a partner. Could there exist a mach...
The Couch is a place to exchange ideas and brainstorm, not only for its contrib...
I was so comfortable, but man was I bored. I had the privilege of being a Spanis...
There is one aspect of all judiciary interpreters’ certification exams that I ...
Interpreters are proving to be an indispensable resource to indigenous communiti...
The Couch is a place to exchange ideas and brainstorm, not only for its contrib...
I have been familiar with nonverbal language my whole life. As a child, I used t...
Dear Fellow NAJIT-ers, Happy September! How the heck is it September again?! Tim...
There are big fish and little fish in a courtroom’s ecosystem. Judges are defi...
I know that many interpreters prefer the freelance world, and there are many suc...
Interested in contributing to our blog? The NAJIT Observer needs you! The shared...
As judiciary interpreters, we often run into misunderstandings about our profess...
I was the little girl who loved going to school and begged her parents to put he...
You may have heard of the ATA (American Translators Association) Certification E...
The Couch is a place to exchange ideas and brainstorm, not only for its contrib...
An agency that I have not worked with before recently got in touch, and we had t...
There is a rather distorted perception held by some legal professionals about th...
The Couch is a place to exchange ideas and brainstorm, not only for its contrib...
Interpreters have many clients. I don’t mean who pays. I mean who is the benef...
The practice of interpretation allows interpreters to take a break from themselv...
The Couch is a place to exchange ideas and brainstorm, not only for its contrib...
A few decades ago, “language access” was not really a phrase. Litigants who ...
I was talking to a friend and colleague recently about all the in-person work we...
How could modern translations function without technology? There’s no denying ...
The Couch is a place to exchange ideas and brainstorm, not only for its contrib...
A few days ago, I was preparing the paperwork for the Wisconsin CEU (Continuing ...
A friend of mine is certified as an interpreter in the courts of a dozen or so s...
The Couch is a place to exchange ideas and brainstorm, not only for its contrib...
Can we please standardize the name we use to refer to our profession and those w...
This post is on the topic of monotasking. That’s right, you read it correctly....
This is the war everyone hoped would never happen. And yet it has happened. Most...
I had my first business at the age of twenty. It was a furniture store a block a...
The Couch is a place to exchange ideas and brainstorm, not only for its contrib...
“Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits recipients of federal fina...
THE FOLLOWING IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL DAY IN COURT. What do you do when you are ch...
During my years of interpreting in many different areas, mostly in court and oth...
Did you know humans can’t actually multi-task? We are capable of lightning con...
The Couch is a place to exchange ideas and brainstorm, not only for its contrib...
It was the kind of day that leaves you tired, yet proud. Your arraignment calen...
Discoveries As I look back on what stays behind after this eventful 2021, I see ...
The Couch is a place to exchange ideas and brainstorm, not only for its contrib...
I am very passionate about being an interpreter and translator. Some of you may ...
We are all in this together, but while we are all in the same sea, we are not al...
I am not a baker. The world of yeasts and doughs, of icing, flour and exact meas...
Talking to my mother the other day, I asked her if anything similar to Thanksgiv...
Editor’s note: This week’s post will have a special focus. NAJIT is sponsori...
The Couch is a place to exchange ideas and brainstorm, not only for its contribu...
We can’t ask for more than we’re willing to give. This is a maxim for everyt...
Definition of pivotal[1] 1: of, relating to, or constituting a pivot Autu...
Background Growing up in Mexico, I spent all my Christmases with my paternal gra...
The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for our re...
The article below was originally posted in 2017. Memory is an interpreter’s be...
I just attended the Arizona Translators and Interpreters (ATI) conference last w...
The Couch is a place for readers to engage in stimulating discussion. The subjec...
Have you ever taken a dash of one language with a sprinkle of another, mixed the...
If you grew up on a Caribbean island, or anywhere around the Gulf of Mexico, you...
An open or shut case? A couple of weeks ago, a woman I was interpreting for star...
“No me falte usted al respeto, no soy cualquier cosa, soy el acusado. Yo ahí ...
Uprooting While I was sitting on the couch with my mother, who is currently visi...
The article below is a pertinent repost from 2018. The question, “how much sho...
The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for our re...
“Welcome to one of the world’s most beautiful professions.” That’s a var...
Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean. – Ryunosuke Sato...
This message from the NAJIT Chair was originally published in the 2021 summer is...
The show on Netflix called The Taco Chronicles came on my radar not long ago. I ...
After a year of uncertainties, fear, confusion, isolation, and staying home due ...
The first two weekends of June saw our NAJIT colleagues join together from aroun...
Other articles in the Get It Write blog discuss the confusion surrounding plura...
When I hear fellow interpreters say they entered the profession for their callin...
This article by Athena was first published in November 2014. We liked it so much...
Has it ever happened to you that there is something you have believed all your l...
As a translator and interpreter, language and words are my passion. I suppose it...
As Mother’s Day approaches, I find myself remembering my last day of training ...
I pulled up to the National Guard’s State Emergency Operations Center on Monda...
If I had been told a year ago that NAJIT’s Conference Committee would be organ...
I was born Puerto Rican. I was actually born in New York, but that doesn’t mak...
Happy April, everyone! Wow. We are one quarter of the way through 2021. It alway...
It’s been one year since the WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic. Vaccination...
Last year, I had the honor of participating in the Multilingual Magazine 2020 Su...
I have recently become particularly interested in exploring what sign language a...
“Excuse me, speaking as the interpreter, could you please move the phone close...
It is hard to believe that it has been a year since I started working from home ...
One of the hardest things in our profession to get a handle on is how much to ch...
I was listening to an interview of Korean American author Cathy Park Hong about ...
“Oh, that was terrible! I can’t believe how bad that looks,” said my 8-yea...
“I am going to make something special for dinner tonight,” announced...
I truly believe life is a great journey, and it sometimes takes us places we did...
January is the month of the year when most of us want to start fresh with a clea...
I love birthdays, anniversaries, and—of course—new years, new decades, and n...
Before becoming a staff interpreter in 2015, I freelanced for more than seven ye...
It’s January 1st, and like everyone else, I hope 2021 will be a better year. W...
Well, folks, it’s December. And looking back, 2020 was just another boring yea...
I’ve been thinking about the lists of wonderful gifts children wish for when t...
“We are what we practice” –said Dr. Shauna’s Shapiro in her ...
Every career has its pathway to the top. The general consensus among court inter...
“Wherever you are, be totally there.” Eckhart Tolle My father is 90 years ...
On a sunny fall day in 2013, I received a phone call from Grace. Who is Grace, y...
I don’t know if it’s the strange times we are living through, or perhaps it...
In this unprecedented health crisis, language professionals are fortunate becaus...
I’m sure most, if not all, of you have heard about emotional vampires or relat...
I am not a big fan of Halloween, but I appreciate spooky decorations, creative c...
“The terror of performing never goes away. Instead, you get very, very comfort...
The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for our re...
I like being tucked away in some nondescript area of a courtroom, where I can se...
Interpreting attorney-LEP client communications is an integral and confidential ...
“One moment, the interpreter needs a repetition,” I said in English, followe...
It is with a great deal of excitement and anticipation that I let you know that ...
I used to think that to be an association volunteer you needed to be extraordina...
The NAJIT Board of Directors wants to express our deepest appreciation to Giovan...
When Maria Cristina de la Vega invited me to join the team of contributors to NA...
Imagine this scenario. You’re having an argument (I know, I know, none of us e...
Another trip back in time. Athena Matilsky’s 2018 article seems very aprop...
It is sometimes difficult to separate ourselves from our professional persona, e...
Many of us are trying to figure out how much fun we can have this summer and avo...
This piece was first published in 2018. Not too long ago, I found myself at an a...
7:30am I wake up with a quick, optimistic check to my inbox. No email. Oh well, ...
The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for our re...
We often think of self-care as a way to nurture our bodies so that we can stay h...
Even in the middle of a pandemic quarantine, none of us were spared. We all got ...
Once again, we revisit our archives for articles that were well received by our ...
The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for our re...
An overdue study Sandro Tomasi has undertaken a comparative study of court inter...
Having all this “free” time can mean watching movies we would otherwise skip...
It’s election time again. And thanks to the efforts of the Nominations Committ...
This cat got out of the bag in June 2018. We want to take a trip down memory lan...
Dear Colleagues, Well, goodness me. It would appear that since my last blog post...
This week we have a Guest Author offering us some useful tips for surviving our ...
I know these are hard times for freelance interpreters. Most of us are used to g...
In response to the current crisis, The Couch is being proactive and providing a ...
I would like to draw our readers’ attention to the importance of NAJITR...
Interpreters face somewhat of a conundrum upon entering the profession. That is,...
I pride myself on being a team player. I look at each client as a partner. After...
The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for our re...
We have another Guest Post. This time, our guest is Ryan Bridges a contributing ...
On March 14, 2012, Thomas Lubanga Dyilo became the first person to be found guil...
Have you ever read something and hear a bell go off in your head? “This word i...
This post was first published in November 2018. Exactly a week ago today, you wo...
The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for our re...
I get asked about personal and business websites all the time, but the answer is...
Editor’s Note: Interpreters Want to See You Shine was first published on L...
This being the last Friday of the year, we will share below the most popular pos...
By Athena Matilsky © 2017 Last year I left my job as a Superior Court staff int...
We love it when our articles get your attention. And especially when it is one o...
Well, I made it! One more semester to go. As I write, the train wheels rumble un...
This is a time to celebrate gratitude; a time to recognize, acknowledge and be t...
One constant in our jobs is the learning. Be it because of technological develop...
Association-sponsored conferences for 2020 are starting to put out their calls f...
The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for our re...
Being on travel status for work can be very confusing: what charges are allowed?...
Dear Readers, This week we bring two posts for your delight. Changes on the Boar...
Every profession has certain requirements that allow a person to enjoy the benef...
Greetings from the Glendon campus in Toronto! I’m currently waiting for my New...
Not long ago, a colleague was trying to justify the practice of charging less, i...
By Gio Lester © 2017 The number one myth freelancers fall for is that they get ...
The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for our re...
This article was first published in November 2017. It seems appropriate that we ...
A few weeks ago, a colleague wrote to The Couch seeking guidance on the matter o...
Below is an anonymized compilation of comments received by The NAJIT Observer ...
The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for our re...
By Armando Ezquerra Hasbun ©2017 It is bound to happen. You spend most of your ...
Do you want to know the funny thing about notes? The better you get at taking th...
Not all of you know, but I am also the General Secretary of the Brazilian associ...
This article was originally published on September 22, 2017. So much has changed...
I will start by saying that interpreters are awesome people who have the ability...
The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for our re...
Professor Barry Olsen, two colleagues, two actors and an unknown number of techn...
Once you pass those words – AI and Remote work – you will see that t...
This article by Janis was first published in July 2017. We liked it so much that...
This is a collection of Facebook photos taken at NAJIT 40, but mostly it is a sp...
Diplomacy does not come naturally I admit I am not a good diplomat. Although I h...
The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for our re...
This post was originally published on August 2, 2013. It remains just as relevan...
Have you ever met the interpreter who knew everything? I have. Well, not really....
The text below is aimed at individuals who have been trained but are stepping in...
by Bethany Korp (c) 2016 I bet you just rolled your eyes, didn’t you? You are ...
The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for our r...
–Formally known as the Executive Office for Immigration Review, or EOIR Wh...
I was recently in the lobby of an office building on my way to a depositi...
– By Armando Ezquerra Hasbun © 2017 Depositions can be grueling. Sometime...
As we began organizing this year’s conference, I thought that the 2019 confere...
The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for o...
Recently, I have been toying with the possibility of changing my Facebook relati...
This article was originally written in 2017 by Gio Lester © ——̵...
We are graced with another guest post. This time, by Maria Ceballos-Wallis. “A...
This is a guest post by the blog Translating Lawyers. The subject matter is very...
This article has been edited for length, with the author’s permission, a...
I have been doing this for over 36 years. It is the one thing I have been able t...
Originally published in January 2015, this post remains relevant. Please enjoy. ...
Tax Day is just a few weeks away. Some of us are waiting for their 1099s and hop...
Thick snowflakes are lazily making their way to the ground outside my window her...
This is the last week of 2018. Some of us are feeling relieved, others are sad, ...
A New Year’s Resolution. I do not believe in New Year’s resolutions, bu...
– By Gio Lester © 2016 Living in Miami, Florida, a bilingual city for sur...
It is Tuesday. Usually that would mean I could sleep in a bit, but today it mean...
The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for our r...
University degrees, certificates and certifications reflect your desire to grow ...
This post was originally published in February 2015. But its subject matter is t...
Here is a double feature on new member benefits and an overview of upcoming webi...
Exactly a week ago today, you would have found me in New Orleans with a colleagu...
by Gio Lester (c) 2018 Now that the heat of the US Supreme Court nomination has...
The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for our r...
Editor’s Note: This post by Jennifer De La Cruz was originally published i...
As some of you are already aware, this September I embarked on the Master’s in...
Not too long ago, I found myself at an arbitration in which one of the parties, ...
I was talking to a colleague friend of mine recently when she mentioned she had ...
The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for our r...
I kind of feel like my fall should be entitled, Conference Interpreting: The Fin...
In my first letter as Chair, I would like to thank all of our members for their ...
– by Gio Lester (c) 2012 We are Communicators. As translators, interpreter...
The recent [June 2013] weather-related tragedies in Oklahoma have been of partic...
The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for our r...
I was at the annual conference of the Texas Association of Judiciary Interpreter...
It’s one of those things that comes up all the time in social media discussion...
Our colleague is curious to see how our The Couch readers would handle some pri...
I remember it well. I had just begun my interpreting career, and I was placed wi...
First experiences, when they are positive, leave a taste and a longing for more....
Planning is fun. Then, life happens I had planned on writing about my experience...
It was not 9:30 AM yet. A woman approaches the information booth and identifies ...
Leslie Tabarez is a State Court Certified Interpreter in Pennsylvania. In this g...
So, what’s all this got to do with interpreters in real life? Well, it’s not...
Not speaking the language of the country you are in, regardless of the situation...
Team interpreting* is a process. There is no one single way to work as part of a...
F.D.A. is on The Couch. Read the post and see if you can lend a hand. Please not...
Last week found me in Atlanta, Georgia for a whirlwind weekend with the Atlanta ... The A...
There is no new colleague on The Couch this time. We thought it was our turn to...
María Cristina did not lack vision, as proven by her personal account in this a...
This week it was my turn to post on the NAJIT blog, and I asked some of my colle...
Have you ever given thought to your public speaking skills? Whether your answer ...
There is a new colleague on The Couch. Read the post and see if you can lend a h...
As my colleague Ernest Niño-Murcia stated in his candidate statement to run for...
Growing pains in a profession, or an association, can manifest themselves in man...
Have you ever heard the term, word picture? If you are a trained interpreter, ch...
The song “My Woman, My Woman, My Wife” became a hit in 1970 when Mar...
Maybe it is time to make friends with Spanglish. …And Italish, Portinglish, Ha...
The dry season doldrums are cyclical, but we are usually caught off guard. And i...
By Gio Lester © 2017 Living in a multilingual community can be rewarding and fr...
By Jennifer de la Cruz © 2015 It’s hard to believe that some 3,000 days have ...
– by Janis Palma © 2018 I have always felt a special thrill when I “dis...
There is a new colleague on The Couch. Read the post and see if you can lend a h...
Happy New Year everybody! For the first post of this year, I’d like to propose...
Photo by from Pexels It is the last Friday of the year. Our las...
Almost three years ago, Jennifer de la Cruz delivered this informative piece. We...
By Armando Ezquerra Hasbun ©2017 It is bound to happen. You spend most of your ...
There is a new colleague on The Couch. Read the post and see if you can lend a h...
– By Armando Ezquerra Hasbun © 2017 Depositions can be grueling. Sometime...
Feature photo by Tamás Mészáros from Pexels By Gio Lester I am the proud ow...
NAJIT has been working hard to reach its membership and you are responding to th...
We don’t want our new readers to be left out or our fans to forget nuggets...