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Welcome to the NAJIT Observer

The NAJIT Observer (TNO) was created in 2011 in response to NAJIT’s members need for a tool

to share information, first-hand experiences, and the occasional fun moment with colleagues.

We are delighted with the response TNO has received from our members and subscribers. And

thanks to our dedicated and generous contributors, TNO’s archive features an amazing number

of posts that you can search by category or author.

Do you want to contribute a post?  Send us an email at

Enjoy The NAJIT Observer!

The Blog Subcommittee, part of the NAJIT’s Public Relations Committee, is seeking volunteers. Please review the description of the committee below. The NAJIT Blog subcommittee produces posts with information that is pertinent to the advancement of judiciary interpretation and translation. Our audience transcends professional and geographic boundaries:...

“Respect yourself and others will respect you.” ― Confucius The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines protocol as “a system of rules that explain the correct conduct and procedures to be followed in formal situations.” There were no such rules, standard procedures, or protocols for interpreters in courts of law within the...