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Welcome to the NAJIT Observer

The NAJIT Observer (TNO) was created in 2011 in response to NAJIT’s members need for a tool

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“We need more pay for the work we do.”  “Nobody respects us interpreters.”  “Can we please stop having intruders in this profession?”[1]  “When will people understand that being bilingual doesn’t mean you can interpret?”  “We should boycott if they try to bring in video interpreting.”  “Maybe conference interpreters can demand...

Last year, InterpretAmerica published a document titled “Best Practices in the Interpreting Profession: Simultaneous Interpreting in Non-Conference Settings[1]” which I co-authored. Last month, we completed a draft document titled “Best Practices in the Interpreting Profession: The Professional Medical Interpreter”. Last night I interpreted for a local school...

This post is by guest blogger Evelyn Yang Garland. Evelyn owns Acta Chinese Language Services, a growing translation company specializing in Chinese translation for business, legal, and government clients. Evelyn is an ATA-certified English-Chinese translator and Maryland court-certified Mandarin interpreter, and has been granted "expert member"...

How about something a little lighter this week? A quick video review of universal translation/interpreting devices in science fiction. After all, if you're going to encounter aliens, you have to be able to talk to them! First, the TV episode that inspired the title: Doctor Who, Episode 6.07, "A Good Man Goes to War." According to Wikipedia, the first "universal translator" in science fiction appeared in the 1945 novel First Contact