25 Jan Choices
I have been doing this for over 36 years. It is the one thing I have been able to do consistently for such a long time. I am a judiciary interpreter, and the bulk of my work throughout my entire career has been with the...
The NAJIT Observer (TNO) was created in 2011 in response to NAJIT’s members need for a tool
to share information, first-hand experiences, and the occasional fun moment with colleagues.
We are delighted with the response TNO has received from our members and subscribers. And
thanks to our dedicated and generous contributors, TNO’s archive features an amazing number
of posts that you can search by category or author.
Do you want to contribute a post? Send us an email at TNO_editor@najit.org.
Enjoy The NAJIT Observer!
I have been doing this for over 36 years. It is the one thing I have been able to do consistently for such a long time. I am a judiciary interpreter, and the bulk of my work throughout my entire career has been with the...
Originally published in January 2015, this post remains relevant. Please enjoy. On this blog, we dedicate a great deal of time and effort to the profession of interpreting for the courts. We tell stories, share experiences, propose new ideas, and issue calls to action. This week,...
Tax Day is just a few weeks away. Some of us are waiting for their 1099s and hope to get them all by the end of February. A few have already gathered their papers and are trying to make heads or tails of the tax...
Thick snowflakes are lazily making their way to the ground outside my window here in Montreal. It’s January, yet again. That means that a whole new year lies in front of us, its pages as blank and clear as the snow-covered sidewalks outside. With the...
This is the last week of 2018. Some of us are feeling relieved, others are sad, and some are full of hope for what 2019 reserves for us. We at TNO hope you are planning your next piece to be published on a Friday, next year....
A New Year's Resolution. I do not believe in New Year’s resolutions, but I did make a few for 2018, all related to my professional development. One of them was to take the Florida Courts’ Written Exam, a must to become a certified court interpreter in...
- By Gio Lester © 2016 Living in Miami, Florida, a bilingual city for sure, one thing we notice is that every other attorney speaks another language. Most of them have studied Spanish or their families are from one of the myriad Spanish-speaking Latin American countries, or...
It is Tuesday. Usually that would mean I could sleep in a bit, but today it means I’m waking up at 6:45 to check my phone and…yes. Class has been confirmed for 7:30 this morning because during our normal class time, our professor will be...
The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for our readers who engage in the ensuing discussions. What do you do when you are the victim of unusual practices? Discounts are in the spotlight again. How about we all contribute to create a Best Practices...
University degrees, certificates and certifications reflect your desire to grow professionally and your professional skills. But are you ready to handle the world? Really? That’s what conferences and professional associations are for: through their collective knowledge, they pave the way, open new trails, expose us to...