Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean. - Ryunosuke Satoro Sometimes we may find ourselves wondering: Is that other interpreter or translator in my same language combination my colleague or my competition? Does he want to take my clients away from me? Is she...

This message from the NAJIT Chair was originally published in the 2021 summer issue of Proteus, NAJIT's Quarterly Newsletter. Dear NAJIT Members: For those of you who don’t know me, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I have been a member of this...

The show on Netflix called The Taco Chronicles came on my radar not long ago. I started watching, enthralled with the images, history, and diversity of this tubular treat. It was right around that same time that a decision was announced by the Chief Judge...

After a year of uncertainties, fear, confusion, isolation, and staying home due to the COVID-19 restrictions, many of us are more than ready to dive into the summer vacation. But how prepared are we to take a break from our responsibilities and give ourselves a...

The first two weekends of June saw our NAJIT colleagues join together from around the country for our 42nd Annual Conference and first ever virtual one. On the West Coast, our valiant Pacific-timers rose at 7am to attend the days’ events. Luckily it was on...

Other articles in the Get It Write blog discuss the confusion surrounding plurals and possessives (should we write “Happy holidays from the Smith’s” or “the Smiths”?). Making that distinction is arguably one of the trickier issues in English usage. Another is confusion about commonly used homophones: it is...

When I hear fellow interpreters say they entered the profession for their calling to help others, I worry. I guess, in a sense, we do help people. We are a communication bridge, making it possible for a voice to be heard in a different language....

As a translator and interpreter, language and words are my passion. I suppose it’s not really a surprise that I find myself drawn to writing. A few years ago, the little voice inside me telling me to write grew more insistent. I had been blogging about...