This post was first published in November 2018. Exactly a week ago today, you would have found me in New Orleans with a colleague at an oyster bar on the banks of the Mississippi, discussing the Dunning-Kruger effect. For those of you who are unfamiliar with...

Editor's Note: Interpreters Want to See You Shine was first published on LinkedIn in 2017 where it was viewed more than 1800 times. I love my job. I know, I am lucky! The agencies that hire me usually go beyond the norm. But their clients have...

We love it when our articles get your attention. And especially when it is one of The Couch help pieces, because it is a teaching and mentoring tool and each one of you who comments on them is helping a colleague out. We thank all who...

Being on travel status for work can be very confusing: what charges are allowed? What receipts should I keep? When do I stop being on travel status? Here are some tips that I hope will make your invoicing much easier to manage, and the finance/procurement...

Dear Readers, This week we bring two posts for your delight. Changes on the Board and professional assertiveness by standing up for what is right are always good things to share with our members. Enjoy. Giovanna Lester, CT TNO Editor     Changes on the Board There has been a change in...

A few weeks ago, a colleague wrote to The Couch seeking guidance on the matter of contracts. I am not sure she (or he?) had any idea what was coming. I have decided to compile the answer we received. Trust, the most important element Let me start...