Dear Readers, This week we bring two posts for your delight. Changes on the Board and professional assertiveness by standing up for what is right are always good things to share with our members. Enjoy. Giovanna Lester, CT TNO Editor     Changes on the Board There has been a change in...

This is a collection of Facebook photos taken at NAJIT 40, but mostly it is a space for YOU to share a bit of your experience during the conference with all who could not be there. The City NAJIT 40's venue, by Punjabi-Hindi Interpreting and Translations. Excursion...

Here is a double feature on new member benefits and an overview of upcoming webinars. Enjoy!   What is your professional association doing for you? - By Aimee Benavides, NAJIT Chair Professional associations have an important role in the lives of those they serve. In the case of NAJIT, our...

In my first letter as Chair, I would like to thank all of our members for their care and consideration in the recent elections. I am very grateful and humbled to have the opportunity to serve with my fellow board members on behalf of our...

As my colleague Ernest Niño-Murcia stated in his candidate statement to run for NAJIT’s Board of Directors, “Interpreting is not a job for me; it is a way of life.” That is certainly true for me. When you are a professional translator and/or interpreter, at every...

Happy New Year everybody! For the first post of this year, I’d like to propose a new year’s resolution that doesn’t involve us joining a gym. Not that the gym is so terrible, but with all these cold fronts right now I personally would like...

NAJIT has been working hard to reach its membership and you are responding to those efforts. Our conference this year had record attendance, and our goal is for a stronger showing in 2018. Our Facebook page has become more active. Rob Cruz, Aimee Benavides and I...

And here are some moments for you to relive. Header photo courtesy of NAJIT member Flávia Lima who also contributed some of the photos in the gallery. If you'd like to add a picture, please send it to ...

This is our first double feature in preparation for two important upcoming events. Enjoy! [vc_row][vc_column width='1/2'] T Minus 14 Days: Are you ready? -By Susan Cruz, CFP®, NAJIT Administrator With NAJIT’s Annual Conference only 14 days away, HQ wanted to share some of the excellent things in store for...

No, NAJIT has not gone into the dictionary business. We are just trying to make things clear so folks know what they mean exactly when they use a word like "translator," or "interpreter." We are providing definitions that will, we hope, help those who need our...