Before becoming a staff interpreter in 2015, I freelanced for more than seven years. During that time, I exchanged information with every single interpreter I crossed paths with during assignments or in class (once I found interpreting courses). I was desperately searching for a sense...

It’s January 1st, and like everyone else, I hope 2021 will be a better year. We all look forward to the end of this pandemic that has affected us all in many ways. With that in mind, I wanted the first post of The NAJIT...

Well, folks, it’s December. And looking back, 2020 was just another boring year, right? Nothing momentous happened. Nothing eventful—just a year like any other. Same old, same old. With the exception, of, well, you know. EVERYTHING. The interesting thing about 2020 is that no matter who you...

I’ve been thinking about the lists of wonderful gifts children wish for when the holiday season rolls around, and what I would want on my list if I could have any of those gifts delivered, as if by magic. For one thing, I would want to...

"We are what we practice" –said Dr. Shauna's Shapiro in her famous TEDx talk. Whether we realize it or not, we result from what we choose to do every day, our belief system, the cultural roots we inherit from our ancestors, and customs we adopt...

“Wherever you are, be totally there.”  Eckhart Tolle My father is 90 years old. He recently wrote an open letter to his family that started with the words: “With so much time in my hands, I have decided to write...

On a sunny fall day in 2013, I received a phone call from Grace. Who is Grace, you ask? It is hard to say who Grace is to me. She is a colleague, certainly. A mentor. A friend. My personal interpreting fairy godmother. It was...

I don’t know if it’s the strange times we are living through, or perhaps it’s that I’m approaching retirement, but I find myself reflecting quite a bit on my career these days. It took unexpected twists and turns, and I can’t say I accomplished everything...

In this unprecedented health crisis, language professionals are fortunate because they can work remotely. But the downside is that, while videoconference platforms like Zoom and MS Teams allow us to keep working, the loss of opportunities to meet with clients and colleagues in person can...