An open or shut case? A couple of weeks ago, a woman I was interpreting for started chatting with me before an interview, and she asked me if I had heard about upcoming plans to reopen the courthouse. During this conversation, she shared her view that...

The first two weekends of June saw our NAJIT colleagues join together from around the country for our 42nd Annual Conference and first ever virtual one. On the West Coast, our valiant Pacific-timers rose at 7am to attend the days’ events. Luckily it was on...

I love birthdays, anniversaries, and—of course—new years, new decades, and new millennia. Each one gives me a chance to let go of whatever has been happening in my life that was just not going well at all and start again. It gives me a chance...

Interpreting attorney-LEP client communications is an integral and confidential function of the court interpreter´s job. Due to social distancing, however, the COVID-19 pandemic threatens to restrict attorney-LEP client communications or create unsafe proximity risks for interpreters and their clients. Nonetheless, these bilingual communications can take...

“One moment, the interpreter needs a repetition,” I said in English, followed by “Excuse me, could you repeat that for the interpreter?” in rapid-fire Spanish. It was about fifteen minutes into the interpretation, and the fourth time I had interrupted. I was feeling a bit...

Once again, we revisit our archives for articles that were well received by our long time readers. Not so much of a throw-back, but a recycling of pertinent and valuable knowledge. It also seems pertinent to the moment we are living. Use the comments area...

I would like to draw our readers' attention to the importance of NAJIT's Position Papers: this resource brings together research and opinions on topics of great impact on our profession. To refresh your recollection, following is a list of these resources. [vc_row][vc_column width='1/2'] General Guidelines and Requirements...

I get asked about personal and business websites all the time, but the answer is not as easy as many might think. If you do not do any type of freelance work, what would you need a website for? Also, nowadays there are many options such...

This article was originally published on September 22, 2017. So much has changed since then. Please do add your favorite apps in the comments. - By Gio Lester I recently attended the webinar Intro to iPad: Basic Applications for the Legal Field organized by Veritext, a court reporting...

Have you ever heard the term, word picture? If you are a trained interpreter, chances are you have. Often, it is explained as a remedy; a way to describe a term that has no equivalent in the target language. However, word pictures are much more...