Uprooting While I was sitting on the couch with my mother, who is currently visiting me from Mexico, she sighed deeply, and when I asked her why she was sighing, she looked at me and said: “I so regret the decision I made years ago to...

This message from the NAJIT Chair was originally published in the 2021 summer issue of Proteus, NAJIT's Quarterly Newsletter. Dear NAJIT Members: For those of you who don’t know me, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I have been a member of this...

Other articles in the Get It Write blog discuss the confusion surrounding plurals and possessives (should we write “Happy holidays from the Smith’s” or “the Smiths”?). Making that distinction is arguably one of the trickier issues in English usage. Another is confusion about commonly used homophones: it is...

When I hear fellow interpreters say they entered the profession for their calling to help others, I worry. I guess, in a sense, we do help people. We are a communication bridge, making it possible for a voice to be heard in a different language....

This is a time to celebrate gratitude; a time to recognize, acknowledge and be thankful for our experiences. A good life is not one free of hardships; it is one in which there is a balance between good and bad times. We can't all achieve a...

The NAJIT Observer is a volunteer initiative. Many of our contributors and hands-on staff are being directly impacted by both Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma. Our hearts and prayers go out to all victims of the hurricanes - actual and projected. Be safe. Take care of...

No, NAJIT has not gone into the dictionary business. We are just trying to make things clear so folks know what they mean exactly when they use a word like "translator," or "interpreter." We are providing definitions that will, we hope, help those who need our...

If you have ever taken a class on interpreting, you know the drill: We listen not for words, but ideas. We don’t write everything; we take notes on key words. And yet, even though we may have heard this from multiple teachers, it seems that...

Do not give advice freely, even if you think it would be helpful, unless you are specifically asked for it.  It is far better to just lend an ear. Most people just need a sounding board to express their thoughts and come to a decision...