“Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits recipients of federal financial assistance from discriminating based on national origin by, among other things, failing to provide meaningful access to individuals who are limited English proficient (LEP)” (lep.gov). In state courts, where Title VI...

Discoveries As I look back on what stays behind after this eventful 2021, I see the mistakes I have made and on the other hand the great choices as well. I would like to think that the latter outweigh the former, but a deep analysis is...

The Couch is a learning place, not only for its contributors but also for our readers who engage in the ensuing discussions. The subject of this month’s Couch is the transition to “normal.” As in-person services gradually resume (or at least are on the horizon), what do...

After a year of uncertainties, fear, confusion, isolation, and staying home due to the COVID-19 restrictions, many of us are more than ready to dive into the summer vacation. But how prepared are we to take a break from our responsibilities and give ourselves a...

As Mother’s Day approaches, I find myself remembering my last day of training before I became a professional court interpreter. Part of my training (and the part I enjoyed the most) was sitting in courtrooms observing court procedures. “I am starving,” I thought, ready to...

It's been one year since the WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic. Vaccinations bring hope that the virus can become less of a threat and we can get back to what we consider "normal." However, we, the world, and our profession have changed. We need to...

"I am going to make something special for dinner tonight," announced my mom on a cold February morning during one of her visits in the United States. I wasn't sure what she meant because anything my mom made was impressive. Cooking was my mom's love...

Well, folks, it’s December. And looking back, 2020 was just another boring year, right? Nothing momentous happened. Nothing eventful—just a year like any other. Same old, same old. With the exception, of, well, you know. EVERYTHING. The interesting thing about 2020 is that no matter who you...

"We are what we practice" –said Dr. Shauna's Shapiro in her famous TEDx talk. Whether we realize it or not, we result from what we choose to do every day, our belief system, the cultural roots we inherit from our ancestors, and customs we adopt...

On a sunny fall day in 2013, I received a phone call from Grace. Who is Grace, you ask? It is hard to say who Grace is to me. She is a colleague, certainly. A mentor. A friend. My personal interpreting fairy godmother. It was...