[vc_row][vc_column width='2/3'] Judiciary interpreting in Brazil has found a champion in Jaqueline (Jaque) Nordin.  While preparing for her presentation for NAJIT's 39th Annual Conference in June, Jaque found time to have a chat with The NAJIT Observer, and we share it below. TNO: Where does your passion...

Team interpreting* is a process. There is no one single way to work as part of a team. There is no formula you can apply that will make it run on wheels every time. It is all going to depend on the chemistry between the...

F.D.A. is on The Couch. Read the post and see if you can lend a hand. Please note: Contributions to The Couch should be sent to the Editor and not entered in the comments. We will make sure that all data that might make the parties or case...

Last week found me in Atlanta, Georgia for a whirlwind weekend with the Atlanta Association of Interpreters and Translators (AAIT). Local organizations are vital to keeping our profession alive, and it was an honor to be able to attend and present at this one. I...

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:US-Courts-AdministrativeOffice-Seal.svg The Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AO) is an administrative agency that is the central support entity for the judicial branch providing a wide range of administrative, legal, financial, management, program, and information technology services to the federal courts. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/administrative_office_of_the_united_states_courts When I became a...

There is no new colleague on The Couch this time. We thought it was our turn to give back. Please note: Contributions to The Couch should be sent to the Editor and not entered in the comments. We will make sure that all data that might make the parties...

This week it was my turn to post on the NAJIT blog, and I asked some of my colleagues what I should write about. I was told, “Don’t teach. Tell your story.” So here it is. U.N., here I come. I graduated Rutgers in the spring of...

Have you ever given thought to your public speaking skills? Whether your answer is yes or no, we republished a piece that will have you thinking about it. And, who knows, taking action. Besides being an interpreter and a translator for over 20 years, I have...

There is a new colleague on The Couch. Read the post and see if you can lend a hand. Please note: Contributions to The Couch should be sent to the Editor and not entered in the comments. We will make sure that all data that might make the...