I’m not the only one who dreams about “I wish that more people who come into contact with court interpreters (for whatever reason) knew that __________” right? So I am asking for all of you reading this to help me. If you were able to...

This post was originally published on May 31, 2013 by Ewandro Magalhães. Besides being an exemplary interpreter, Ewandro is also a gifted writer. He is currently in Switzerland, serving as Head of Conference Management Services at the International Telecommunication Union. I must have been five or...

Yes, I heard someone use that word during the NAJIT conference this past May 14 & 15 in San Antonio, Texas: Renaissance. And it was so fitting! The energy in the air was electrifying. The conference attendants were excited about the conference topics, and very...

© 2016 Rita Pavone/Minerva Translations & Language Services Besides being an interpreter and a translator for over 20 years, I have also taught public speaking courses and presented at interpreters’ symposia and other professional meetings. Speaking in public requires a high level of involvement with the subject...

Dear Readers, I have been trusted with following on the footsteps of our Founder, Maria Cristina, and Kevin, our second Blog Administrator. The commitment is there to do my best, and since the blog is a collaborative enterprise, we count on you also to help us...

Article originally published on June 2015 and republished with permission from InterpretAmerica. Visit their blog to learn more about their work. What do you call an animal with the body of an equine, a horn and a fish tail? It is an interesting hybrid but it is not...

Today we welcome a post from guest author Catalina J. Natalini. Catalina works as an interpreter and translator in legal, medical and school settings.  She holds a Masters of Arts Degree in Linguistics from the University of Zurich and is a certified court interpreter in the...

How many of you are familiar with SSTI? Well, let me introduce you. SSTI stands for the Society for the Study of Translation and Interpretation. It is the non-profit charity component of the National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT). NAJIT was created in 1978...

This is a republishing with an update. Enjoy. - by Gio Lester ©2013 - I teach the introductory module on legal translation for a Brazilian translation, interpreting and language school. It’s an online course and my students are spread all over the world: Estonia, Belgium, the US,...