- by Athena Matilsky © 2017 Ah yes. Sight translation. The interpreter tendency to ignore sight translation is kind of like that affliction suffered by us, middle children. You know middle child syndrome, right? It’s like this: our big brother Simultaneous is overtaking the track field and...

Here is another installment of WWYHD. We thank our colleagues who have shared their experiences with us and invite YOU to contribute. All articles are shared anonymously and to avoid breach of confidentiality, all identifiable details are removed from the stories shared with us in compliance...

 The below is an anonymized compilation of comments received by The NAJIT Observer in response to Bethany Korp’s blog post “What I Wish They Knew,” published November 25, 2016.  Thank you to all who responded! I wish that everyone… … understood the function of the interpreter...

  I’m not the only one who dreams about “I wish that more people who come into contact with court interpreters (for whatever reason) knew that __________” right? So I am asking for all of you reading this to help me. If you were able to...

Do you have an experience to share? Please write to the  tno_editor@najit.org. Our work is confidential and all identifiable details are removed from the stories shared with us to maintain compliance with our Code of Ethics. This space is for us to help each other...

Yes, I heard someone use that word during the NAJIT conference this past May 14 & 15 in San Antonio, Texas: Renaissance. And it was so fitting! The energy in the air was electrifying. The conference attendants were excited about the conference topics, and very...

- By Gio Lester © 2016 Living in Miami, Florida, a bilingual city for sure, one thing we notice is that every other attorney speaks another language. Most of them have studied Spanish or their families are from one of the myriad Spanish-speaking Latin American countries, or...

– by Giovanna Lester ©2015 That question has been whirling around the minds of many Florida interpreters since Rule 2.565 went into full effect on October 1, 2015. Among other things, Rule 2.565 defines new professional designations for interpreters (see definitions below) and who is allowed...

“Who is ‘she’?” That was the question Louise*, the court reporter, had been subpoenaed to answer. And she was not looking forward to it. The day “she” entered Louise’s life had started like any other day. The assignment didn’t seem to be anything special. Sometimes routine...