This articles was first published in February, 2012. It is just as timely now as it was then. Hope you find some information to help you with your taxes this year. After all, we are supposed to be filing our taxes today! The following does not...

We build too many walls and not enough bridges. - Isaac Newton We see that “building bridges” metaphor often when someone is referring to the work done by translators and interpreters. We bridge languages and cultures by enabling people to communicate effectively, even if they do not...

Meet NAJIT’s Chair, Esther M. Navarro-Hall. Fitting her 30-year career in this intro is impossible, so we offer you some highlights. Esther is a pioneer in online training, practical technologies and social media for interpreters, provides training for interpreters and interpreter trainers in the U.S....

© 2016 Rita Pavone/Minerva Translations & Language Services Besides being an interpreter and a translator for over 20 years, I have also taught public speaking courses and presented at interpreters’ symposia and other professional meetings. Speaking in public requires a high level of involvement with the subject...

OSMOSIS – an ability to learn and understand things gradually without much effort. (Merriam-Webster) I was joking with some colleagues about having parents who were physicians and, therefore, how these friends had learned medicine by osmosis. We have all had that experience: learning about a particular...

-by Gio Lester ©2016 We often hear the argument that foreigners need to learn English and that interpreting services are a drain in our justice and health care systems. Most of us who work in those fields understand the importance of language services and that...

Dear Readers, I have been trusted with following on the footsteps of our Founder, Maria Cristina, and Kevin, our second Blog Administrator. The commitment is there to do my best, and since the blog is a collaborative enterprise, we count on you also to help us...

The Blog Subcommittee, part of the NAJIT’s Public Relations Committee, is seeking authors, editors and guests posts. Please review the description of the committee below. The NAJIT Blog subcommittee produces posts with information that is pertinent to the advancement of judiciary interpretation and translation. Our audience transcends...