Listen to Your Body: Rest Now or Pay Later By Julli Jaramillo   Living in the Northeast of the United States means tolerating brutal winters, but this year, the cold has felt especially relentless—not just in the air, but in the weight of everything happening around us. Political...

The Couch: Starting Fresh-Advice for New Graduates in Judiciary Translation and Interpreting The NAJIT Observer   A Brief History of The Couch Series [caption id="attachment_36172" align="alignright" width="300"] A symbolic representation of interpreters and translators fostering understanding, depicted by a figure on a couch and another actively listening[/caption]   Since its debut...

The Day of the Dead: El Día de Muertos – A Lesson in Adapting to Change By Reme Bashi   [caption id="attachment_37368" align="alignright" width="225"] A striking portrayal of La Catrina in front of an intricately carved stone archway during El Día de Muertos celebrations[/caption] If you are unfamiliar with El...

It was one of those weeks when everyone hates the interpreter. Weather is bad. Call quality is awful. And tempers are slightly more miserable than the shift. Of course, everything the interpreter does makes things worse. When she asks clients to speak up over the static,...

I happen to be a state certified interpreter.  By no means does this indicate that I am a perfect interpreter; I am not.  It does indicate that I passed a test on a given day, with at least the 70% needed in each section in order to be deemed...

We hardly pay attention to the way in which we say things, but we certainly know intuitively that we should raise our volume when we want to emphasize something, or lower it when our intention is a bit more secretive or intimate. We know to...

The article below was originally posted in 2017. Memory is an interpreter’s best friend; here’s to “remembering” a useful contribution. Enjoy.  or How to Forget About Interpreting and Just Listen You know how the saying goes: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. I’m sure...

The article below is a pertinent repost from 2018. The question, “how much should I charge?” for a newcomer to the profession can feel daunting, as it can be difficult at first to get an idea as to how much interpreters and translators earn on...

The NAJIT Board of Directors wants to express our deepest appreciation to Giovanna (Gio) Lester for her years of service to the NAJIT Blog, which was re-branded as the NAJIT Observer under her leadership. Her tireless efforts have been a tremendous benefit and resource to...

Another trip back in time. Athena Matilsky's 2018 article seems very apropos. Enjoy. This week it was my turn to post on the NAJIT blog, and I asked some of my colleagues what I should write about. I was told, “Don’t teach. Tell your story.” So...