You may recognize this week's guest author from some of his previous NAJIT Blog contributions, including last summer's "Holly is a Big Deal in Ohio", posted on August 15th 2014.  I'm pleased to announce John Shaklee is joining the Blog team. While we work out...

When I first started learning to interpret, I shadowed the radio in English. It took me months before I was able to even attempt simultaneous interpretation from English into Spanish. At first, it was hard enough to keep up in just one language. “Today we...

*** First Friday Flashback, from Oct. 2013 *** Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They're absolutely free and worth a fortune.    —Sam Walton As my translation business has grown, the amount of work for private clients who need...

© 2012 Giovanna Lester [This article was first published on May 18, 2012] One of the issues most discussed at interpreters’ and translators’ meetings and forums is contracts. What should and should not be in a contract, the details we did not cover, how to ensure payment,...

I really have no life. No. Seriously. If I am not interpreting in court, I am translating at home. And if I am not doing some work for pay, I am doing voluntary work...

Stop the presses! The summer issue of Proteus is hot, ready to read and better than ever! I will admit that as the new editor-in-chief I am not exactly objective on the topic, so why don’t you take a look and see for yourself? This...

**Flashback First Friday continues with a piece on honesty in the profession from 3 years back**      Recently, I had some work done at the house. It was a simple installation of a security system, done by a pretty reputable company with a clean-cut salesman...

         I just read a blog by my dear friend (yes, even if we haven’t seen each other in years!) David Mintz, former NAJIT Chair and webmaster extraordinaire. I so enjoyed reading his irreverent takes on all kinds of different topics that...

The Blog Subcommittee, part of the NAJIT’s Public Relations Committee, is seeking volunteers. Please review the description of the committee below. The NAJIT Blog subcommittee produces posts with information that is pertinent to the advancement of judiciary interpretation and translation. Our audience transcends professional and geographic boundaries:...

“Respect yourself and others will respect you.” ― Confucius The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines protocol as “a system of rules that explain the correct conduct and procedures to be followed in formal situations.” There were no such rules, standard procedures, or protocols for interpreters in courts of law within the...