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**First Friday Flashback, from Sept. 2014** The Call for Papers for the 2016 NAJIT conference in San Antonio has been announced! Remember, even if you can't submit a proposal, you can recommend a great presenter! This year's Conference Committee needs your input - click on the...

This is a republishing with an update. Enjoy. - by Gio Lester ©2013 - I teach the introductory module on legal translation for a Brazilian translation, interpreting and language school. It’s an online course and my students are spread all over the world: Estonia, Belgium, the US,...

*** First Friday Flashback, from Oct. 2013 *** Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They're absolutely free and worth a fortune.    —Sam Walton As my translation business has grown, the amount of work for private clients who need...

         I just read a blog by my dear friend (yes, even if we haven’t seen each other in years!) David Mintz, former NAJIT Chair and webmaster extraordinaire. I so enjoyed reading his irreverent takes on all kinds of different topics that...

There is something about “being” a translator that is very different from “being” an interpreter.  It’s not just about sitting in front of a desk by yourself versus being surrounded by people when you do your work. Translators want to take their time finding that...

On this blog, we dedicate a great deal of time and effort to the profession of interpreting for the courts. We tell stories, share experiences, propose new ideas, and issue calls to action. This week, let’s look briefly at some issues related to translating for...

Over the past decade I’ve heard the term “unfunded mandate” used all too often to describe the Department of Justice and the Ohio Supreme Court’s stance on providing interpreters and language access in the courts.  This phrase is used because the government requires the use...

I know. The official name is “International Translation Day”. I changed it. I just have this thing about “interpreters” being included whenever anyone talks about “translators” and “interpreting” being understood as a part of “translation” in the title of such an important day. We all...

I was at a Holly Mikkelson training on August 3rd and afterward at lunch I asked her if I could blog about it.  She said yes, but another NAJIT member, esteemed colleague, and past guest blogger beat me to the punch.  I asked John P....