At the memorial for deceased South African leader Nelson Mandela on December 10, 2013, the world-wide interpreting community was stunned and dismayed when a fake sign language interpreter was shown on television and the internet pretending to interpret the words of heads of state...

“I gots to talk.  I gotta tell what I feel. I gotta talk about my life as I see it.” (Sample of a Martin Lawrence stand-up comedy routine used in the Notorious BIG’s “Kick In The Door”.) I’ve been listening to and studying Rap music since the 80’s...

Continuing our retrospective, Jennifer De La Cruz answers our questions: NAJIT Blog- What did you learn from your participation in the blog?   Jennifer: Simply put, I have learned how much has to go into publishing your thoughts for your professional colleagues. We have to consider how relevant, impactful,...

As 2013 comes to a close, we all who have participated actively in keeping the blog current, appealing and meaningful are asked to share our feelings and lessons learned. We believe that sharing is closely related to learning and a very important part of the...

A couple of weeks ago someone sent me a link to a video from Spain of a talk show host conversing with a student who had called in to the program. The host asked the viewer what she was studying, and the young woman answered...

Giovanna Lester 2013 == Originally written for publication in the blog Adventures in Freelance Translation by Catherine Christaki and published on April 4, 2013. Communication takes place all the time, even when we are not aware of it. But there comes a time when we have something special to...

Experience alone cannot be the deciding factor when one weighs the decision of volunteering. I think it is important that we encourage everyone who is passionate about our professions and who wants to see them advance, to become more involved. It was one of the...

There is quite a bit of talk lately among those of us in the interpreting profession about the professionalization of community interpreting. In Great Britain and Canada, community interpreting, also referred to as “public service interpreting” is an umbrella term encompassing any kind of interpreting...

“In baseball in the United States and Canada, the seventh-inning stretch is a tradition that takes place between the halves of the seventh inning of a game – in the middle of the seventh inning. Fans generally stand up and stretch out their arms and...