Writing for The NAJIT Observer   By: The NAJIT Observer   Writing for The NAJIT Observer is not only an opportunity to share insights and experiences, but also a powerful way to refine our own skills, uplift newcomers, and honor those who have paved the way for us. Whether...

Judiciary Translation vs. Judiciary Interpretation: Which Path Resonates with You? By: Julli Jaramillo   Language professionals are essential in bridging communication gaps within the judiciary system. As experienced judiciary interpreters and translators, your expertise is vital in ensuring justice and equity for all parties involved. However, many aspiring...

Interpreter's Fatigue: A Real Threat to Due Process   By Hilda Shymanik   Interpreting is a highly demanding and complex activity that requires a great deal of physical and mental effort. When the cognitive load becomes too much, as a result of working for long periods of time without...

About the LEP’s Right to “Hear Everything” in Court Janis Palma   [caption id="attachment_37467" align="alignleft" width="300"] The United States Supreme Court building, a symbol of justice and the rule of law[/caption] One of the rules of thumb that interpreters often follow in court is the if-then structure, which we...

The Importance of Being Called by Your Name By: Ann Heath-Huynh   As the year draws close to an end, we all seem to have different reasons to be scrambling about. Perhaps, in a rush to close business deals or to buy Christmas presents, or planning holiday events. We...

Breaking Attorney Client Privilege: “Who, Me?” By: Hilda Shymanik   [caption id="attachment_37318" align="alignright" width="300"] A glimpse of popular productivity and design tools on a device screen, including Zoom for virtual meetings.[/caption] A few months ago, while working remotely during a bond hearing, I was interpreting in the consecutive mode...

Over a year ago, I landed a great gig. I work four days a week under an open-ended long-term contract and have been happy there. However, the job is unexciting and repetitive. My colleagues are great, the judges treat me well and are accommodating when I...

Dear Readers, Happy September! I’ll never understand how, but time just keeps whizzing by. I hope that you have all enjoyed your summer. I spent mine in the trenches of remote interpreting (and attending Co>Lab, a peer study group for interpreting nerds!) but that will be...

Introduction As an interpreter with over 22 years of experience, I have witnessed the evolving dynamics within our profession. In Wisconsin, there is a shortage of court-certified interpreters. However, this shortage is not due to a lack of potentially qualified professionals but rather a failure in...

In Wisconsin, the State Court Interpreter Program and certification are turning twenty years old in the Fall of 2024. The first staff interpreter jobs in our state were created shortly after the certification became available. Recently, a few counties have advertised jobs in this category....