24 Sep The Couch – Techmology….
The Couch is a place for readers to engage in stimulating discussion.
The subject of this month’s Couch is… that’s right, the struggle for “work-life balance.”
It seems that not even the best among us are able to perfectly discipline their use of digital tools. But we need them for work. A well-known interpreting guru has recommended not letting more than one hour go by before responding to a business-related e-mail. No one wants to be left behind, but if we’re available at all hours of the day (and evening or night), is this a future toward which we wish to head? How do you see this?
Let us know, and please also comment on each others’ posts.
Note: If you have a topic you’d like to see discussed on The Couch write to the Editor. The comments section here should be used only to reply to the issue under discussion today. When you submit a question or topic for The Couch we will make sure to remove all information that might make the parties or case identifiable.
The Couch is where you get to flesh out the discussion and give it life.
As we enter the fall season and the weather gradually cools, technology’s role in shaping our profession shows no signs of relinquishing its throne at the top of many people’s minds (and, often, worries). The multitude of new gadgets continually being produced, admittedly, have their advantages. From term bases to term extractors, machine translation to translation memories, recording devices to sound editors, voice-to-text software to computerized screen readers – to say nothing of the seemingly infinite number of sites and resources available (including this one) through your web browser, and of course, remote-interpreting platforms – translators and interpreters have everything they need to keep up with the hustle-bustle of our digitalized world.
And yet, this editor fears, we seem to lose a bit more of ourselves each time that next gadget takes up a bit more space in our lives. In no wise wishing to discount these tools – I myself make extensive use of them – the old adages about relegating, for our own sake, our blue-screen toys to a specific part of the home, time of day, or function still ring true. That feeling of almost constant fatigue, that vague and unutterable malaise one feels in the nerves, in the eyes, in the neck, after a long day doing what we do best behind a screen (the pandemic sure put that on steroids), that sense we’re never quite there yet and that maybe the gadgets have something to do with it, that longing we might occasionally experience for an idealized or idyllic past, when life was more modest and the world less noisy… all those, and more, are real off and on for most of us.
It’s difficult today, albeit unthinkable, to imagine working in the language profession without making use of such tools. But is this an artificially created need? Are we like the one who makes ten million dollars a year and spends eleven million, who never understands why he doesn’t have enough money and is effectively as cash strapped as a low-income single mother in a nameless big, expensive city? Who could go back to typewriters and paper dictionaries? Is anyone today still doing that? (If you are, it’s more certain that I win the lottery than you read this article and comment on it.) This crypto-Luddite invites everyone else who would be so inclined to comment on what amounts to today’s term “work-life balance” and how your digital tools fit into it.
Body photo: Petrus van Schendel, Reading by Candlelight, date unknown, c. 1840s-50s.
Who is the author of the article please?
The TNO editor – as an invitation to others to discuss.
I am available to certain clients at all times.
Others I am available within working hours, i.e. daytime.
To others, some would-be’s, I am not worried about
being available at all.
However, I might add, interpreter/translator newcomers
may need to be more available as they are building
their business. Those of us who have been developing
client relationships for many years may have reached
the point where we have earned the capability of being
more picky.
I still use paper dictionaries. Not just paper dictionaries, but sometimes they have information that is not available online.
I have morphed so many times where this issue is concerned. Right now, I will accept communication from clients on weekends, but will not necessarily respond until Monday. I also try not to take on too much work: there are family issues that I need free time to deal with and I can’t always control when they will happen or how they will affect my schedule.
So, instead of packing my work week full with jobs, I have it so that I may work late one day or start extra early on another to make sure I deliver my jobs within their deadlines. All without putting too much strain on my life and allowing me to take care of family issues, as they arise.
I have two emails, and I often tell my phone to only pick up the most personal email when I need to be quiet. I also have my phone on do not disturb at certain times, and do not answer emails during evenings or weekends… Well, most of the time.
Not sure if this is the comment thread for the Technology/GPT-3 implications for the interpreters article, but here it goes. After reading that article I went deeper into research and saw that GPT-3/AI has evolved exponentially in these few weeks since the GPT-3 article. While the courts won’t make the leap fast, the machine interpreting era is here. Also, GPT-3/AI is no longer an open source. In fact it has been acquired by Microsoft with exclusive license in 2019. The 2016 abuse fear came through sooner than we thought. GPT-3 cannot only write better than any seasoned journalist, but can write its own code, now can write scientific articles with invented sources, and soon to give medical diagnosis and prescriptions! (The law is in the House of Representatives).
I have also read this book by professor emerita at Harvard Business School – The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, also published in 2019, under the radar with all book sellers. I let you derive the conclusions. I fear the AI machine will be able to understand soon and replace the interpreting profession sooner than we thought. We must heed Steven Hawkins prophetic words coming from his uniquely scientific mind that an explosion of AI will lead to the extinction of the human race.
So, my friends, our daily interpreting decisions must encompass this broader view of what is happening across the planet. We still have a BIG say in the history of interpreting & LEP due process as we know it and the HUMAN future of our profession.