20 Apr The Couch – A Thank You
There is no new colleague on The Couch this time. We thought it was our turn to give back.
Please note: Contributions to The Couch should be sent to the Editor and not entered in the comments. We will make sure that all data that might make the parties or case identifiable are removed.
This is a twist on our usual content. We would like to acknowledge the various contributions and suggestions we have received over the years from our readers.
The Couch, formerly known as What Would You Have Done? arose from a desire to give our readers a larger platform and an opportunity to share their wisdom. It is always a pleasure to write for you, but it is equally rewarding to read your comments, suggestions, critiques, criticism.
Below is a collection of stories that received a large number of responses from our readership. We hope you will enjoy revisiting them, and also that they will inspire you to write to us.
1- To Speak Out or Not to Speak Out?
3- When clients really want to thank you. How do you handle it?
4- Is there a double standard here???
Enjoy this lovely Friday. And again, thank you for being part of our journey.
Check out other topics discussed here and here.
Yet another mistranslation of “free” / “libre” wording, as happened with the Miranda warning.