08 Dec The Couch – A few questions about scheduling depositions
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Often times lawyers will accommodate a foreign witness and schedule a video interview or a deposition as part of their discovery process. However, agencies almost never disclose that to interpreters. That is not really surprising since they almost always forget to provide the notice of deposition, and they have sent me to depositions in the wrong language (clerical error).
Am I the only one this happens to? Should we charge more when there is video recording involved? And what is a good procedure to ensure that I always get the information I need? Thanks!
Can you help our colleague make sure all the information needed is made available to him? What is YOUR procedure?
I don’t think we should charge more for the video recorded depositions simply because video recording is a common practice in patent law litigations. I don’t see those as often in family law or civil litigations though. My personal opinion is that you may charge more for preparation if it’s a complex case but not just for video recording.
Sorry that you had bad experience working with a careless (or incompetent) agency that sent you for the wrong language. My practice is that I always request for a copy of the pleadings and notice even I won’t get them every time for sure.
By CCarrera:
“Haven’t encountered a video interview of a foreign witness yet, although I have refused depositions over the phone due to difficulty of a prolonged discussion when you cannot see the deponent. Before, I agreed to a deposition by video conferencing only if I won’t be in charge of the video (that is using my own computer). That didn’t happen though. So, now I wonder why do you think we should be paid extra if it’s on client’s video? Any poor audio or visual can be seen by all parties and we (interpreters/clients) can express on record if there are issues on clarity of audio or visual.”
I have never charged more for a depo that is also being videoed because in my experience it hasn’t required anything additional on my part as an interpreter. My policy is to decline any assignment that does not provide me with the information needed for me to correctly ascertain whether I am in fact the right interpreter for the job. Too often when I request simple info such as “How long will the interpreter service be needed?” or “What is the subject matter?” and the requester will not/cannot provide it, then in good faith I cannot accept the job because, per by our Texas licensing cannons, my acceptance of an assignment is a confirmation that I possess the requisite glossary/terminology for that job. How can I know if I do when the requester doesn’t provide me that? It still amazes me after so many years the number of agencies that provide nothing more than a date and time. I have always considered it to be in the agency’s best interest to get that info and provide it to the interpreter so that not only the interpreter but the agency itself can then assure the client the appropriate interpreter has been scheduled for the job. Sending an mismatched interpreter to a job even once is one time too many for the interpreter, the agency, and the client!