16 Dec Our Listserv is Back! Long Live the Listserv.
By Gio Lester © 2016
A sense of belonging, feeling welcome, knowing someone is listening—those were some of the things that made our listserv unforgettable and cherished.
Everyday felt like a visit with close friends to discuss the news, industry developments, terminology difficulties, new challenges… even jokes. The listserv was a safe haven where we could count on the support and commiseration of close friends – some of whom we had never met face to face, but grew close to.
The exchanges in the listserv help us learn about different aspects of our profession. Issues alien to our work space and experienced by our colleagues in their work environment, policies that should be re-examined or changed, and behaviors we should emulate or refrain from are some of the things we talk about.
When NAJIT announced the new listserv, we also received a link to the USER INSTRUCTIONS, a 4-page document with detailed information about everything related to the new platform. I highly recommend reading it. There you will find all the links you need to manage your experience and participation. For example, there are five options related to how messages are received ranging from all of them to none at all, as well as how to unsubscribe. Listserv members can access the online platform to read messages and manage their profiles.
NAJIT’s members communication network now has three prongs: Proteus, our quarterly publication; The NAJIT Observer, our weekly online publication; and for those who need to hear from us -or share their news- more often, we have the listserv with updates as YOU provide them.
Interested in the latest on indigenous interpreter training? Questions regarding ethics for aspiring interpreters? Have you heard of “implicit bias” and Harvard’s Implicit Association Test (IAT)? Want inspiration for your holiday party? All this and more is waiting for your eyes in the listserv!
Hello Gio,
Great post.!
Indeed, the listserv is a great tool. A couple of days ago, one of our members wrote to the Board to ask if attorney-client privilege extends to the interpreter. Apparently, a judge ordered that an interpreter hired by the court divulged information obtained during an attorney-client interview because the judge. The answers provided by to her would have been extremely useful to many interpreters. So, I’d like to encourage members to use the listserv after reading the guidelines to learn about message delivery options.
Thanks and happy holidays!
Thank you, Gladys! Yes, the listserv complements NAJIT’s communication network and we are happy to have it back.