18 Jan For Better or Verse – Thoughts While on a Dreary Drive

By Hal Sillers
Thoughts While on a Dreary Drive
Driving through the cold drizzling rain
To an assignment where we shall gain
Green dollars received with no disdain,
And we consider coming winter’s pain.
Fear not, though the warm days wane
As ice, snow ‘n cold become the bane
Of existing here on this northern plain,
We’re buoyed to know it’s not in vain.
As is our custom, we always refrain
From any comment, do not explain.
To our profession it seems germane,
Conform to ethics and not complain.
For we surely know that we’ll retain
Lessons learned, and need not feign
Joy at navigating white, slick terrain
That may have us use crutch or cane.
Yet, here in this place we still remain
In hope that we shall someday attain
Life full of much less stress and strain,
And retire with luck to warmer Spain.
[Hal Sillers is a MN State and federally certified interpreter of Spanish and frequent contributor to this column. Hal is also the Staff Interpreter for the MN 8th Judicial District.]