17 Jan Letter From the Editor
Letter from the Editor: Proteus 2017/18 Winter Volume XXX Issue No 2

By Arianna M. Aguilar
Greetings! I hope that last year was a good one, and that this year will also be full of positivity and change for the better.
Personally, I am grateful and happy to be newly appointed as Editor-in-Chief of Proteus. For the past several years I have worked as an editor for Proteus under the direction of Dan Decoursey. I learned a lot from that activity and hope to continue to learn in my new role.
I would like to thank Andre Moskowitz and Kathleen Shelly who have done a wonderful job working on Proteus as editors. I am also thankful to have worked with Gladys Matthews and Susan Cruz. I especially appreciate the feedback and opinions I have received, and feel blessed to have the opportunity to work with such experienced colleagues.
This issue of Proteus has several interesting articles including one about Advocacy Day by Zeng Zeng Yang that talks about how NAJIT members from the 2017 Annual Conference in Washington, DC went to the Capitol to advocate for the interpreting profession.
We also have two book reviews, an article about sole proprietorships’ taxes, and a brief article about the importance of continuing education. Another piece is a discussion on the importance of minimizing one’s foreign accent when interpreting into and speaking a foreign language. And yet another article is about how we interpreters are affected by vicarious trauma and provides strategies to address this issue and mitigate its effects.
I have enjoyed working on this issue and hope you will enjoy reading it. I would also like to state that we are constantly looking for new contributions so do not hesitate to send me new submissions or contact me at proteus_editor@najit.org with any questions you may have.
Again, thank you to everyone for your support of NAJIT and our profession.
Warm regards,
Arianna M. Aguilar
Welcome Arianna! I know the magazine will prosper under your conscientious care.