NAJIT Board and Committee Updates

This page is NAJIT’s way of keeping members and friends informed as to what your NAJIT Board & Committees are doing for our members and our profession. Here you will find information regarding events NAJIT representatives are attending and updates regarding the initiatives we are focused on to benefit the association.

As a member-driven organization, NAJIT is only as strong as the involvement of its members. Share your ideas directly with the Board of Directors. Let us know what issues are important to you. Share any events you feel NAJIT should be aware of. Most important of all, join us in carrying out our mission. Volunteer for a committee or a short-term project. NAJIT will greatly benefit from your insights and contributions.

Latest NAJIT news:

March 21, 2025 – Amicus Brief: Commonwealth Appeal from the August 15, 2024 Order of the
Court of Common Pleas, Montgomery County (Hon. Garrett D. Page), Docket Number CP-46-CR-2243-2016 Granting Post-Conviction Relief On a First Petition, Following a Hearing Read More

March 14, 2025 – NAJIT Joint Statement on the Executive Order on English and EO 13166: As six of the nation’s leading professional associations for translators and interpreters, we strongly oppose President Trump’s Executive Order 14224 issued on March 1. The executive order designates English as the official language of the United States and revokes Executive Order 13166, issued in 2000, which was instrumental in improving access to federal, state and local programs and services for people with limited English proficiency, as protected under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Read More

March 10, 2025  – NAJIT Endorses Section 504 of the RID Rehabilitation Act Position Statement:  The Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) and the undersigned organizations affirm our collective, unwavering support of legislative protections that ensure equal access to education and communication for Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, Late Deafened, Hard-of-Hearing and sign language-using individuals in all settings; especially K-12 educational settings. RID, as the national certifying body for American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters recognizes the critical roles that Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Language Equality and Acquisition for Deaf Kids (LEAD-K) play in safeguarding the rights and opportunities of Deaf* students. Read More

September 9, 2024 – Message from NAJIT Board of Directors: The NAJIT Board issued a public statement addressing a recent communication regarding a letter sent by one of our directors to the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. This letter, which circulated on social media, included personal opinions that may have been mistaken for NAJIT’s official stance. We want to clarify that these views were personal and do not represent NAJIT. The Board remains committed to upholding professionalism and respect for all interpreters. We apologize for any confusion and appreciate your ongoing support. Click the icon to the right to read NAJIT’s public statement.

September 1, 2024 – NAJIT Provides Essential Feedback on Proposed 2025-2026 Interpreter Payment Policy for King County Municipal Courts: NAJIT has taken a stand by delivering insightful feedback to the King County Municipal Courts on their proposed 2025-2026 Interpreter Payment Policy. This initiative underscores our commitment to advocating for fair compensation and ensuring equitable access to justice for interpreters within the legal system. Click the icon to the right to read the feedback that as submitted.

August 17, 2024 – Joint Letter to Maryland Judiciary: Advocating for Fair Language Access in Court Proceedings! NAJIT, in collaboration with ATA, VALIA, APPTI, RID, and ALC, has submitted a joint letter to the Maryland Judiciary expressing concerns about proposed changes to Rule 1-333(c)(4). Our letter emphasizes the critical need for team interpreting to ensure accurate and fair language access in court proceedings. Click the icon to the right to read our recommendations and the potential impact on justice.

August 16, 2024 – Joint Response from NAJIT and Leading Associations on Ethical Communication Practices in Legal Settings: NAJIT, in collaboration with CCHI, ALC, ATA, and RID, has issued a joint response to a recent article on client communication strategies for non-English speakers. We invite you to read our letter, which underscores the importance of using qualified interpreters in legal settings to ensure effective and ethical communication. Click the icon to he right to read the letter.

August, 8 2024 – Unveiling NAJIT’s Case Statement for 2024-25: The Board of Directors proudly presents NAJIT’s 2024-2025 Case Statement to our membership and constituents, inviting everyone to join us in driving innovation and advancing the profession. The Case Statement outlines our commitment to enhancing technological resources, optimizing volunteer engagement, and expanding educational outreach to ensure professional excellence and equal access to justice. Click the icon to the right to read the case statement.

July 26, 2024 – Supporting Language Justice: NAJIT’s Endorsement of the ACLU Petition: The NAJIT Board of Directors has sent a letter supporting the Petition for Rulemaking filed by the ACLU and other organizations on April 15, 2024. The petition urges the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice to establish regulations for providing interpreters to noncitizens with affirmative asylum applications. NAJIT highlights the inadequate language access and disproportionate impact on LEP applicants under the current requirements, emphasizing the need for competent interpreters to ensure equal access to justice. Click the icon to the right to read NAJITs letter.

April 15, 2024 – NAJIT Advocates for Enhanced Court Interpreter Services in South Carolina: NAJIT is committed to promoting professional standards and equitable access to justice for individuals with limited English proficiency. NAJIT’s Advocacy Committee wrote to Chief Justice Beatty of South Carolina to outline recommendations for enhancing court interpreter services, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing certified interpreters, revising policies to ensure equitable treatment, and adopting best practices to uphold language access and equitable justice for all. Click the icon to the right to read NAJITs letter.

April, 1 2024 – NAJIT Leads the Charge in Elevating Court Interpreting Standards: NAJIT is leading the charge in advocating for higher standards and best practices. NAJIT wrote to the Massachusetts Director of Language Access & Court Records Department to share suggestions for enhancing their interpreter program. Recognizing their commitment to excellence NAJIT presented a series of strategic recommendations aimed at further enhancing their program. Click the icon to the right to read NAJITs letter.

February 15,2024NAJIT & ATA Stand United Again for New Mexico Court Interpreters! Hot on the heels of our recent joint effort, the National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT) and the American Translators Association (ATA) are back at it, doubling down on our support for New Mexico court interpreters!

Click the icon to the right to read the most recent letter addressed to Director Arthur W. Pepin of the New Mexico Administrative Office of the Courts. We’re pushing for better compensation and working conditions, ensuring that these crucial professionals get the recognition and fair treatment they deserve.

January 2024NAJIT Stands in Support of NJ Bill for Language Access (S.2459/A.3837The National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT) proudly supports Bill S.2459/A.3837, which is currently under consideration by the New Jersey State Assembly. The proposed amendments aim to mandate state agencies to translate “vital documents” into the seven languages spoken by most Limited English Proficiency (LEP) individuals in New Jersey. Additionally, the bill calls for live interpreting services for all languages, whether in person or remotely; these provisions signify a significant stride towards providing meaningful access to state services and benefits for LEP individuals in the state. Click the icon to the right to read NAJITs statement.

**UPDATE**  JANUARY 12Governor Phil Murphy signed this bill into law, ensuring that vital documents and services are accessible in the seven most common languages spoken in New Jersey. This achievement marks a significant milestone in promoting inclusivity and language accessibility, showcasing the impact of collaborative advocacy in driving meaningful legislative change. READ MORE

January 2024Advocating for improved compensation and working conditions in Minnesota! The National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT) and the American Translators Association (ATA) extended their unwavering support to the dedicated court interpreters working in Minnesota who are advocating for improved compensation and working conditions.

October 2023: Advocating for Fair Compensation! NAJIT’s Board of Directors has penned a crucial letter addressing recent changes in interpreter payment policies at the King County District Court. We’re committed to ensuring equitable access to justice for communities with limited English proficiency. Join us in urging the court to reconsider and rectify these changes, ensuring fair compensation for interpreters and maintaining access to justice. Together, we can make a difference!

September 2023: NAJIT wrote to two California Senators, Senator Brian Jones and Senator Anthony J. Portantino, expressing opposition to AB 1032, a bill that could have negative repercussions for court interpreters in California and the individuals within the justice system who depend on language assistance due to limited English proficiency. NAJIT joined in the support of the Coalition of Working California Court Interpreters, the American Translators Association, and indigenous Mayan-language relay and direct interpreters in their opposition to AB 1032. Click the icon on the right to read the letter.

September 30, 2023: The NAJIT Board of Directors is happy to support and participate in the Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society’s 2023 Annual Conference in honor of International Translation Day. This lively event brings together translation & interpretation professionals throughout the Pacific Northwest. Make sure to stop by our exhibit table.

Refer a new NAJIT member while attending the NOTIS 2023 Conference and receive a polo! The new member receives $25 off the regular membership dues, and you receive a free NAJIT polo for your efforts. Come on out and celebrate with us on September 30. See you there!

August 2023: NAJIT responds to the invitation from the Indiana Language Access Coordinator’s Office seeking public comments on proposed revisions to court interpreter policies: As advocates for excellence and recognition in our field, we’ve noted some concerns and made strategic recommendations to ensure fair qualifications and payment standards. We are always on the lookout for opportunities like this to make a positive impact on the future of court interpreting! Click the icon to the right to read the letter.

June 2023 – Advocacy in Action: NAJIT has just responded to the invitation from the Minnesota Courts Administrator’s Office seeking public comments on proposed revisions to court interpreter policies. As advocates for excellence and recognition in our field, we’ve expressed our concerns and recommendations to ensure fair qualifications and payment standards. Click the icon on the right to view the letter. Together, let’s make a positive impact on the future of court interpreting! 

June 2023 – Advocacy in Action: The NAJIT Board of Directors continues our commitment to support our professionals by helping them advocate for working conditions and compensation commensurate with the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) required for this vital job. We were happy, once again, to support the efforts of our state interpreter colleagues from Nebraska.

2023 NAJIT Election Results: Congratulations to the 2023 Board of Directors. The NAJIT Board welcomes Nattalia Paterson, PhD, and Andreea Boscor. The Board has elected Laura McGilvra as the Chair of the Board, Anahit Flanagan as Vice Chair, Francesca Samuel as Treasurer, and Andreea Boscor as Secretary. We extend our sincere appreciation to our outgoing board members Javier Castillo, Jr. and Hilda Zavala-Shymanik. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to both NAJIT and the profession. Please join us in wishing them the very best in their future endeavors. Click the picture on the right for more details and contact information.

May 2023 – Advocacy in ActionThe Public Defender’s Office of the Hudson region of NJ approached NAJIT about an urgent matter related to the application of remote interpreting during the State versus Juracan-Juracan jury trial. In a brief filed to the NJ Supreme Court, attorneys argued and received a stay of the trial, pending the motion based on matters of court interpretation.

NAJIT joined the ACLU and collaborated on a brief with the American Translators Association to inform the court based on our collective specialized expertise. The NAJIT Board of Directors is proud that our association continues to be the sought-after authority in all matters related to judiciary interpreting. We are happy to answer that call and thank the incredible NAJIT members who made up the project team. Please read the entire brief and stay tuned for future developments on this potentially precedence-setting case.

May 2023 – Advocacy in Action: In a recent letter sent to the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR), NAJIT offered invaluable insights and recommendations to enhance language access within the immigration courts. NAJIT’s extensive expertise and recommendations aim to ensure equal access and justice for limited English-proficient individuals within the immigration court system. By implementing these suggestions, EOIR can significantly enhance language access and uphold the promises of equal opportunity for all. Stay tuned for more exciting updates from NAJIT as we continue to champion the cause of language professionals nationwide. Click the icon on the right to view the letter.

April 2023: The NAJIT Leadership team wants our members to be on the lookout for a scam specifically targeting interpreters and translators. We always urge our members to err on the side of caution when receiving unsolicited leads or other benefits connected to the annual NAJIT conference. Many of these spam messages have subject lines that read “RE: [email address] – NAJIT Leads Package” or something similar. Safeguarding our members’ interests is a top priority and we will continue to bring these situations to your attention as we encounter them. View an example of the scam by clicking the icon to the right.

April 2023: NAJIT board member and Secretary, Laura McGilvra, was invited to participate and represent NAJIT in Multi Languages Corporation’s: “Code of Ethics: The Language of Professionalism and Integrity Virtual Panel”. Participation in events that help influence the profession is a high priority for the Board of Directors. You can access the full video of the panel by click the picture to the right.

Prior NAJIT Chair, Janis Palma also participated in this webinar series representing NAJIT in March. Here is a link to that video.

October 2022: Welcome new Proteus Editor-in-Chief – The Board welcomes Arianna Aguilar to the position of Editor-in-Chief of Proteus, NAJIT’s quarterly newsletter.  A longtime member of NAJIT, Arianna has served as Editor-in-Chief of Proteus and as an editor. You can email Arianna with comments or ideas for submissions at

Advocacy in Action: The NAJIT Board of Directors continues our commitment to support our professionals by helping them advocate for working conditions and compensation commensurate with the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) required for this vital job. We were happy to support the efforts of our federal interpreter colleagues as well as our state interpreter colleagues from Nebraska with the letters linked below.

Much more work needs to be done but as recent developments such as the pay increase in North Carolina and the one recently announced by Nevada have shown, supporting your association helps NAJIT leverage our standing among all stakeholders to help effect change. This is underscored by the second response from the American Bar Association. Your support makes a difference.

The board also wishes to thank the Advocacy committee once again under the leadership of Sandro Tomasi and Robert Joe Lee for their great work! We are always stronger together.

September 27, 2022 – Letter to North Carolina Courts: The NAJIT Board of Directors continued our advocacy efforts with a letter to the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts promoting commensurate compensation for interpreters written by the NAJIT Advocacy Committee. Click the icon on the right to view the letter.

September 27, 2022 – Follow-up letter to the American Bar Association (ABA): NAJIT provided a letter of comment to the ABA, last October, and subsequently provided additional material as a follow-up to the ABA’s response to our original comments regarding ABA500. We will continue to leverage NAJIT’s position and reputation to tirelessly support our members and our professions. Click the icon on the right to view the letter.

September 20, 2022 – Letter to Nevada Courts: The NAJIT Board of Directors continued our advocacy efforts with a letter to the Nevada Court Administration Office of the Eighth Judicial District Court promoting commensurate compensation for interpreters written by the NAJIT Advocacy Committee. Click the icon on the right to view the letter.

June 4, 2022 – NAJIT Bylaws Amended: The NAJIT Board is happy to share that the proposed bylaw amendments were successfully adopted by the membership during the Annual Meeting of Members on June 4, 2022. Read the original announcement and proposed amendments here. NAJIT’s updated Bylaws are available on the NAJIT website, under the NAJIT menu heading.

June 4, 2022 – 2022 NAJIT Election Results: Congratulations to the 2022 Board of Directors. The NAJIT Board welcomes Anahit Flanagan PhD, Laura McGilvra, and Francesca Samuel. The Board has elected Javier Castillo as the Chair of the Board, Hilda Zavala-Shymanik as Vice Chair, Francesca Samuel as Treasurer, and Laura McGilvra as Secretary. We extend our sincere appreciation to our outgoing board members Aimee Benavides, Janis Palma, and Teresa Salazar. Thank you all for successfully navigating NAJIT through extraordinary and unprecedented times. Please join us in wishing them the very best in their future endeavors. Click the picture on the right for more details and contact information.

May 1, 2022 – NAJIT Conference Scholarship Winners: The NAJIT Board is happy to announce the 2022 NAJIT Scholarship winners. Click the image to the right to view all five scholarship recipients.

February 2022 – Amici Curiae: NAJIT cosigned an Amici Curiae before the National Labor Relations Board along with a dozen other organizations. The brief is in support of independent contractor work continuing to be a legally protected option. Follow the link below to read the brief in its entirety. If it resonates with you, tell everyone, ”This brief speaks for me.” Amplify our messaging by sharing the brief using the link below on social media using the hashtag #readthebrief. Other ways to amplify the message include sending the press release to the media, submitting op-ed pieces to your local outlets, and sharing the brief along with your concerns to your elected representatives. According to experts, everyday citizens filing an amicus brief is ”unprecedented.” Let’s use this moment to make our voices heard. Click the icon to the right to access the document. 

January 2022 – New NAJIT Position PaperThe NAJIT Board of Directors is proud to publish a new position paper, Recommendations Concerning Digital Communication Using Emoji in Legal and Medical Interpreting. The purpose of this paper is to define what emoticons, emoji, smileys, and stickers are, and to underscore the notion that deciphering the meaning of these symbols can be much more problematic than it appears to be at first glance. This is of particular importance in high-stakes settings such as medical and legal interpreting encounters where any misinterpretation of these elements can have grave consequences. We thank all the authors for this timely and generous addition to the NAJIT Position Paper library. Click the icon on the right to view the NAJIT Position Paper and White Paper web page. 

January 8, 2022 – The Board sponsored another Town Hall meeting that was very well attended. The main concern expressed by almost everyone present was the absence of uniform standards for remote interpreting in court settings. Many courts are using the wrong technology or underusing the platforms they do have by failing to enable the simultaneous interpreting function, thereby forcing interpreters to work in the consecutive mode exclusively, sometimes alone, even for proceedings in which this is not the best practice. The lack of team interpreting practices continues to be a big concern, as well. The Board members reminded those in attendance that we have a page on our website with resources they can use to educate their respective court administrators, judges and other stakeholders about best practices for interpreters. It is also each individual practitioner’s responsibility to accept or reject work assignments and conditions that do not meet the minimum standards for our profession. We are all in this together.

November 2021 – Two new NAJIT White Papers – NAJIT is excited to share our two recently published white papers. These white papers are part of our continued effort to inform and educate stakeholders on the complexities and nuances of judiciary interpreting as well as offering the most effective practices. The first, “Interpreter Certification Tiers: Implications for the Administration of Justice’‘ addresses what certification is, outlines the different certification tiers and their impact on the administration of justice and ways to ensure that the most qualified interpreters are sought first. The second, “What is a Certified Judiciary Interpreter” addresses judiciary interpreter certification and the differences between certified and non-certified judiciary interpreters. It delves into the purpose of the oral and written portions of the certification exams as well as the skills necessary to achieve certification. Both papers also offer a robust resources section for those who wish to explore the topics further. Click the icon on the right to view the NAJIT Position Paper and White Paper web page. 

November 2021 – New NAJIT Position Paper – Consecutive Interpreting at the Witness Stand: why it should always be the only mode used. This Position Paper addresses the underlying rationale in The Court Interpreters Act, paragraph (K) which provides, “The interpretation provided by certified or otherwise qualified interpreters pursuant to this section shall be in the simultaneous mode for any party to a judicial proceeding instituted by the United States and in the consecutive mode for witnesses, …” It also addresses important considerations such as lost Information on direct and cross-examination, the impact of simultaneous on witness comprehension of questions, loss of coherence, the significance of the consecutive mode as well as other factors that inform this conclusion. Click the icon on the right to access the NAJIT Position Paper web page.

October 29 – NAJIT Chair, Janis Palma, joined the Training and Education Committee Chair, Francesca Samuel, in the EDU Summit held during the ATA Conference. NAJIT has joined this new coalition of interpreter and translator educators.

October 26, 2021 – The NAJIT Board wrote letters to three representatives of the ABA and the Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility in response to the recently published Formal Opinion 500, Language Access in the Client-Lawyer Relationship.  NAJIT urged the ABA and the Committee to seriously consider revisiting the Opinion and give professional interpreters and translators a seat at the table as was done with the Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigence Defense project, “Laying the Path”, which resulted in the seminal document, “ABA Standards for Language Access in Courts”. The letters were mailed to Lynda Shely, Esq., Committee Chair, Mary McDermott, Esq., Lead Senior Counsel, Center For Professional Responsibility, and Reginald M. Turner, Esq., President, American Bar Association. Click the icon on the right to read the letter.

October 12, 2021 – In NAJIT’s ongoing effort to assist new interpreters and translators, a second video has been added to the NAJIT YouTube Channel. This video is titled “A Primer for Interpreters”. Click the link on the right to watch the 10-minute video.

September 25 – NAJIT was a sponsor of the Arizona Translators and Interpreters (ATI) Annual Conference. During the event, NAJIT Chair, Janis Palma, participated in a panel titled “Panel of Experts: State of the Profession”, which included Esther M. Hermida, AAPTI President, David Svoboda, Language Access Coordinator for the Arizona Supreme Court, Administrative Office of the Courts, and Edna Santizo representing the ATA Spanish Language Division.

September 1, 2021 – NAJIT’s mission is to promote continuing excellence and ensure professional recognition for judiciary interpreters and translators by advocating, upholding, and safeguarding the highest professional standards. In keeping with our mission, NAJIT continues to serve as the authoritative resource for all stakeholders who interact with judiciary interpreters and translators. We welcome that responsibility and believe that employing the best and most effective practices when legal interpretation or translation is employed is crucial to the fair dispensation of justice. NAJIT has created a dedicated web page called Resources for the Judiciary where we have provided links in one easy-to-find place that includes NAJIT position papers, guidelines, infographics, and numerous other resources to serve all language access stakeholders. We know that this page will be useful to our entire legal community.

August 19, 2021 – The Board of Directors will host virtual town hall meetings quarterly open to members and non members. In these interactive meetings, the Board will share current NAJIT objectives and listen to comments from those in attendance. This event is part of the NAJIT Board of Directors’ broader initiative to be more accessible and provide additional opportunities for members of the profession to interact with the entire NAJIT Board. We hope you will join us. Click the icon on the right to access the NAJIT calendar to view the schedule and registration links.

August 27, 2021 – NAJIT was proud to co-sign a letter to President Biden authored by CCHI expressing “deep concern about the humanitarian crisis that is currently unfolding.” Click the icon on the right to read the letter.

August 20, 2021 – In NAJIT’s ongoing effort to assist new interpreters and translators, a new video has been added to the NAJIT YouTube Channel. This video is titled “How to become a certified court interpreter”. Click the link on the right to watch the 18-minute video.

July 26, 2021 NAJIT submitted a request for the Honorable Supreme Court of California to hear the appeal in the case of Edward Kim, Ginnie Cho, Seung K. Kang and GNE Property Management, Inc., A California Corporation v. Helen Lee and Young Hee Kim, and carefully consider the critical issue of using uncertified and unqualified interpreters in lieu of certified and qualified interpreters, and the injurious consequences of that practice on persons coming before the state courts with Limited English Proficiency (LEP), or who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Click the icon on the right to read the message.

July 2021: The Summer Issue of Proteus is hot off the presses! A message from the newly appointed NAJIT Chair, Janis Palma, was included in the issue. Click the icon on the right to read the message.

June 21, 2021 – The NAJIT Board submitted comments to the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts on amendments being considered to the regulations for court interpreters that synthesize the regulations with the Language Access Plan for the Unified Judicial System. Click the icon on the right to read the letter and supporting documents.

May 16, 2021 – 2021 NAJIT Election Results: Congratulations to the 2021 Board of Directors. The NAJIT Board welcomes Javier Castillo and returning board member Hilda Zavala.  The Board has elected Janis Palma as the Chair of the Board, Hilda Zavala as Treasurer, and Aimee Benavides as Secretary. The Board thanks outgoing member Hebba Abulsaad for her contributions. Click the picture on the right for more details and contact information.

May 2021 – The NAJIT Board joined numerous other associations in co-signing a letter drafted by Red T in support of interpreters in Afghanistan. This letter was directed to the NATO Secretary General. Click the icon on the right to read the letter.

April 2021 – The NAJIT Board joined numerous other associations in co-signing a letter drafted by Red T in support of interpreters in Afghanistan. This letter was sent to the US Secretary of State. Click the icon on the right to read the letter.

April 20, 2021 – In the Board’s ongoing effort for greater transparency of governance and Board activities, the following policy “Appropriate Use of the NAJIT Logo” was created and posted on the members frequently asked questions web page. Click the icon on the right to read the new policy.

April 15, 2021 – For years, your Association has provided a vehicle for you to share ideas, information, concerns, and items of common interest to NAJIT members: the NAJIT Listserv. Unfortunately, over time this means of communication has fallen into disuse with only 250 members subscribed currently, and messages posted becoming few and far between. The Listserv is not free of cost to the Association and in keeping with its fiduciary duty to make the best use of NAJIT resources, the Board of Directors has decided to discontinue this service. Click the icon on the right to read the full letter.

April 8, 2021 – In conjunction with the Bylaws and Governance Committee, the Board of Directors is presenting a resolution to change NAJIT’s state of incorporation.  The resolution will be voted on during the Association’s annual meeting to be held virtually on May 15, 2021. Please join us for a town hall on April 21, when the Board will explain the rationale behind the resolution and answer any questions members may have. Click the icon on the right to register for the town hall. 

March 8, 2021– The NAJIT Board of Directors is pleased to announce that longtime NAJIT member, Holly Mikkelson, has been granted a NAJIT Lifetime Membership as prescribed by the NAJIT bylaws. The response from members in support was tremendous. We thank Holly wholeheartedly for all the work she has done on behalf of the interpreting and translation professions, particularly for judiciary interpreters.

March 8, 2021– The NAJIT Board has written a letter urging all public health officials as well as court administrators who employ and contract with interpreters to explicitly include on-site court interpreters among the listed groups of personnel for Phase 1 vaccinations. Click the icon on the right to read the letter.

March 8, 2021 – During the February Board of Directors meeting, a motion was presented to add some discounts to the Association’s current dues. As reflected in the minutes, the Board completed the discussion of the motion by email, and have now unanimously approved the following permanent discounted rates for NAJIT members under the following categories:

Active Member 3-year renewal – $330 (a savings of $15/year, or a total of $45)

Household Discount – 2 active members (living at the same address) $215 (a savings of $35 for both)

Click the icon on the right to read the entire email announcement.

March 5, 2021 – A recent news report identified a subcontractor working as a translator for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in California who was arrested for disclosing confidential information about an ongoing DEA investigation. In response to this report, the NAJIT Board of Directors has sent official letters to the Department of Justice (DOJ), the DEA, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of California stating our position against the practice of contracting language services through low-bidding companies that employ interpreters and translators who do not have the proper qualifications and experience. This letter is also available on the NAJIT Advocacy page. You can also click the icon on the right to read the letter.

February 18, 2021 – The NAJIT Board of Directors drafted a statement against reductions in minimum hours for remote interpreting. Click the icon on the right to read the full statement.

February 16, 2021 – The NAJIT Board of Directors has drafted and submitted comments in response to the California Judicial Council’s Recommended Guidelines and Minimum Specifications for Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) for Spoken Language Interpreted Events. These guidelines are proposed as both a current and post-pandemic guideline for providing remote interpreting for court proceedings. Click the icon on the right to read the comments that were submitted.

February 10, 2021 – The NAJIT Board of Directors sent a call to action to courts regarding the importance of interpreter safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click the icon on the right to read the letter.

February 3, 2021 – In the Board’s ongoing effort for greater transparency of governance and Board activities, the following policy “Role of the Chair” is being made available for members to view in the governance section of the NAJIT website member portal. Any future changes to this policy must be promptly shared with membership. Click the icon on the right to read the new policy.

February 2, 2021 – The NAJIT Bench and Bar Committee has created a resource that every court and law firm should have at hand when providing language access to limited English proficient (LEP) individuals through an interpreter. It is a step by step guide on how to verify interpreter credentials to assure proper language services. Click the icon on the right to view the resource.


December 8, 2020 –  The NAJIT Board of Directors wrote a letter to clarify some misconceptions that may exist regarding the federal court interpreter certification. Click the icon on the right to read the letter.

November 14, 2020: On November 14th at 6:30 PM EST the Board of Directors hosted a virtual town hall. The Board shared current NAJIT objectives and initiatives as well as fielded questions and listened to comments from those in attendance. This event is part of the Board of Directors’ broader initiative to engage with our members and provide access to NAJIT leadership.

October 30, 2020 – The Kansas Supreme Court opened proposed Rule 1705 for public comment . The proposed rule would require court interpreters to undergo an orientation in order to be eligible to interpret in the Kansas State Courts. The NAJIT Board of Directors submitted a letter in favor of the orientation program, but only as a first step in what should be a truly robust process of judiciary interpreters’ competency assessment. NAJIT argued in favor of a certification program in Kansas in which the proposed orientation is only one element.  The NAJIT Advocacy Committee also submitted a separate letter to the Kansas Supreme Court, in which they congratulated the Court for this proposed step towards a “comprehensive language access program,” but also advised that orientation alone cannot ensure the delivery of professional court interpreting services in accordance with the Kansas Code of Professional Responsibility for Court Interpreters. Click the icons to the right to read the comments submitted by the NAJIT Board of Directors and the Advocacy Committee.

September 2020 – The NAJIT Board created suggested guidelines for interpreters returning to work in courts holding in-person proceedings. The document can be found on the NAJIT resources web page, under professional resources. Click the icon on the right to read the guidelines.

September 1, 2020 – The Board is thrilled to announce that Gladys Matthews will be assuming the role of Editor for the NAJIT Observer (TNO). Gladys succeeds Giovanna (Gio) Lester. We want to express our deepest appreciation to Gio for her years of service to the NAJIT Blog. Her tireless efforts have been a tremendous benefit and resource to NAJIT, our members, and the profession.

Gladys holds a degree in French from the Universidad de Costa Rica and a master’s degree in terminology and translation and Ph.D. in linguistics with an emphasis in legal translation from Université Laval in Canada. She has served NAJIT for many years in varying capacities, most recently as Chair of the Board. You can always email Gladys with comments or ideas for submissions at

August 25, 2020 – The menu on the NAJIT website has been updated to improve both functionality and intuitiveness. In our fast-paced lives, it is important to retrieve information as efficiently as possible. The Board will always look for ways to streamline how members and the public interact with NAJIT.

August 11, 2020 – The Board welcomes Kathleen Shelly to the position of Editor in Chief of Proteus, NAJIT’s newsletter. Kathleen has served as Co-Editor-in-Chief of Proteus and as a long-time editor. She has a vision for Proteus that the Board is excited to support. Kathleen has a master’s degree plus doctoral work in Latin American literature from the Ohio State University and was a college professor for 12 years. A member of NAJIT since 2005, she has also served as Secretary of the Board of Directors. She always welcomes the opportunity to work to promote the interpreting profession. You can email Kathleen with comments or ideas for submissions at

August 2020“How do I become a judiciary interpreter?” This may be the most frequently posed question to judiciary interpreters and certainly the one posed to NAJIT most frequently. The Board has developed a flyer to help address this question. We are all committed to welcoming more colleagues to the certified ranks and we encourage you to share this resource. Click the icon to the right to read the flyer. 

July 30, 2020 – The Board values every opportunity to interact with our members. We are committed to a dialogue that will always convey our understanding that NAJIT is here to serve the best interest of our members and the profession. To that end, a tentative schedule, thru May of 2021, of NAJIT Board meetings open to members is now posted on the NAJIT Calendar.

July 10, 2020 – Thanks to a suggestion from a longtime NAJIT member, Daniel Sherr, a new option has been added allowing members to pay for credit card transactions fees when renewing or joining. The payment of credit card fees will be considered a donation to The Society for the Study of Translation and Interpretation (SSTI), the non-profit educational and research foundation of NAJIT. We thank Daniel for his suggestion.

June 11, 2020 – NAJIT Anti-Discrimination Statement: NAJIT is an organization that brings together language professionals serving deaf and hearing populations of all ethnic backgrounds and many different nationalities from around the world, including our very own Native Americans. We take pride in the diversity that characterizes our profession and the people we serve and strongly denounce and repudiate any and all acts of discrimination or violence on the basis of language, skin color, gender, physical or mental disability, national origin or ethnicity.

June 10, 2020 – 2020 NAJIT Election Results: Congratulations to the 2020 Board of Directors. The Board has selected returning board member Aimee Benavides as the Chair of the Board, Hilda Zavala as Treasurer, and returning board member Teresa Salazar as Secretary.

May 2020 – A new NAJIT Position Paper on Team Interpreting in Court Related Proceedings is now available. Click the icon to the right to read the document.

May 15, 2020 – Due to the recent doubts and concerns raised around the election for the NAJIT Board of Directors, the Board took action in response to the serious allegations made and consulted with NAJIT’s retained legal counsel. In the interest of transparency and as a show of good faith, we are attaching the response received from the attorney to dispel any lingering questions as we move forward with the election and the planning for the annual meeting on June 6, 2020.

As always, the Board appreciates the interest of the membership in NAJIT and in ensuring that processes and bylaws are complied with.

May 6, 2020 – Read about the evolution of NAJIT Elections. Click on the image on the right to read the full document.

April 29, 2020 – Joint letter from the Advocacy and Bench and Bar Committees regarding proper protocols for remote interpreting during the COVID-19 pandemic.

April 17, 2020 – The Board would like to take this opportunity to thank members for their patience and trust with regard to the annual conference. At this time, COVID-19 is at the forefront of our thoughts as we all do our best to keep our members, ourselves, and all of our families healthy and safe by obeying the various stay at home orders in effect in our various states. The Board, working through our administrator CMAC, has been working diligently over the past several weeks to seek a resolution with the conference hotel to cancel the conference without incurring a hefty cancellation fee. The NAJIT annual conference has many moving pieces to it which make it a wonderful first class experience as we saw at our 40th Annual Conference in Nashville. We are now in a position where we can announce that our Annual Conference in Ft. Lauderdale is officially cancelled. Had the Board rushed to make this announcement to members or place it on the website before finalizing the necessary negotiations with the hotel, NAJIT could have incurred a fee in the tens of thousands of dollars. As a Board we had to find a delicate balance between keeping members apprised of the situation and being responsible stewards of the Association’s funds. Registration was suspended once the Board realized the conference would not be proceeding as planned.Thus far, anyone who requested a refund was issued a full refund with NAJIT assuming the transaction fees incurred, and not charging the customary $35 cancellation fee. For those who have not yet received a refund, NAJIT HQ will be contacting you in the coming days. The annual meeting will still be held, albeit virtually, so that we can have election results announced and take care of NAJIT business. We will provide more details as they become available. The Board will continue to keep members informed of future online programs that may be offered.

April 16, 2020 – The NAJIT Bench and Bar Committee has put together a number of resources for court interpreters: Language Access Matters Video, Language Access and Court Interpreters PowerPoint, Arabic and Spanish versions of the Infographics created in 2018, and the NAJIT Language Access Matters campaign. View the Bench and Bar area of the NAJIT website for complete details and links.

March 27,2020 – NAJIT is aware of the uncertain situation so many of our members find themselves in as a result of the economic constraints brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, and will disseminate any helpful information as it becomes known. In this spirit, here are a few of the pertinent provisions of the CARES Act (COVID-19 stimulus) along with additional resources to help you navigate this new legislation. Click the image on the right to read the full message.

March 21, 2020 – The NAJIT Board of Directors has been made aware of a scam targeting language professionals. We always urge our members to err on the side of caution when receiving unsolicited requests for jobs or contract work. Safeguarding our members’ interests is a top priority and we will continue to bring these situations to your attention as we encounter them. Click the icon on the right to see the full message, including a copy of this most recent scam.

March 9,2020 – The NAJIT Board is excited to launch the 2020 NAJIT Scholars Program. The Scholars Program of the National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT) selects up to five scholars from qualified applicants to attend NAJIT’s 41st Annual Conference. Click the image to the right to view program details.

March 9,2020 – NAJIT is proud to welcome the new Editor-in-Chief of Proteus, Salua Kamerow. Salua is a Colombian attorney, holds a Master of Laws from Penn State University, and a Master of Science from the NYU Translation Program. Salua joins a long list of distinguished Editors-in-Chief of Proteus. We are currently accepting contributions for the spring issue. Email Salua at (deadline 3/15)

February 11,2020 – An in-depth court interpreter compensation report written by NAJIT members Mary Lou Aranguren (California), Milena Calderari-Waldron (Washington) Robert Joe Lee (New Jersey) and Sandro Tomasi (New York) sheds new light on how state court interpreters are undervalued and underpaid. The report addresses the job of a court interpreter, expressed in terms understood by human-resources personnel and administrators, making two key comparisons: a) state to federal courts compensation comparisons and b) court interpreter to court reporter job and salary comparisons. Click the icon on the right to view the report.


October 17, 2019: The NAJIT Board announces Armando Ezquerra Hasbun as its new Chair of the Board.

September 10, 2019 – Click on the icon to the right to watch a video of Chris Mellinger interviewed in Stellenbosch by Anthony Pym. Chris is SSTI’s newest Board member. He shares information about his role at UNC Charlotte.

September 7, 2019: During the recent town hall the NAJIT Board randomly selected the winners of the 40th Annual Conference raffle. Join us in congratulating the winners!

Winners of a 1-year NAJIT membership: Leslie Tabarez and Helene Conte.

Winners of a NAJIT Academy webinar registration: Lisa Lopez and Sandra Aidar-McDermott.

September 7, 2019: The NAJIT Board held a virtual town hall open to members. The Board shared current NAJIT objectives as well as discussed recent announcements. The session was recorded and is available on the NAJIT Governance page. Login to your NAJIT account to access the governance page.

August 23, 2019 – “Subject to Interpretation” with Agustin de la Mora interviews NAJIT Chair, Aimee Benavides – Click the icon on the right to listen to an interview with NAJIT Chair, Aimee Benavides, to hear her discuss entrepreneurship, being your own business, and the benefits of joining a professional association.

August 12, 2019: NAJIT Mourns the Loss of John Estill – The NAJIT Board of Directors and our management team extend sincere condolences to the family and friends of long-time NAJIT member John Estill upon his passing. John served as the chair of various committees and contributed greatly to the Association and the profession. He was a loyal NAJIT supporter and a dear friend to many of our members. His loss is deeply felt but he leaves a legacy of service and devotion for his family, friends and the profession he loved so much. May he rest in peace.

August 9,2019 – The NAJIT Board of Directors is pleased to announce that longtime NAJIT member, Georganne Weller, has been granted a NAJIT Lifetime Membership as prescribed by the NAJIT bylaws. The response from members in support was tremendous. Georganne is much beloved and appreciated by colleagues all over the world and we feel honored to grant this to her.

June 26,2019 – NAJIT writes a letter to California legislators supporting an exemption for freelance interpreters be added to Assembly Bill 5. Click the icon on the right to read the letter.

May 20, 2019 – 2019 NAJIT Election Results: Congratulations to the 2019 Board of Directors election winner: Hebba Abulsaad. The board has selected returning board member Aimee Benavides as the Chair of the Board, returning board member Claudia Rubio Samulowitz as Treasurer, and returning board member Teresa Salazar as Secretary.

May 14, 2019 – Letter to Texas Legislature: The NAJIT Advocacy Committee writes a letter to Texas legislators in opposition of proposed Bills SB 2176 and HB 3627. Click the icon to the right to read the letter.

May 1, 2019 – After ten years, the newly revised NAJIT Position Paper on Transcription/Translation is now available. The position paper is for the benefit of both the users of transcription/translation services and the practitioners who provide them, addressing topics such as the qualifications required to do this type of specialized work, quality assurance, and the role of the transcription/translation expert as expert witness. A useful tool that examines this hybrid specialization from both the theoretical and practical perspectives. Click the icon to the right to read the document.

April 1, 2019NAJIT Scholar Winners: The NAJIT Board is proud to announce the 2019 NAJIT Scholars. Click the image to the right to view all five scholarship recipients.


December 4, 2018 – The NAJIT Board held a virtual town hall open to members and non-members. The Board shared current NAJIT objectives as well as discussed recent announcements. The session was recorded and is available on the NAJIT Governance page in the member portal.

November 9, 2018: NAJIT Mourns the Loss of Esther Navarro-Hall –NAJIT joins our colleagues, members and the entire profession in mourning the passing of Esther Navarro-Hall. Esther was a prior NAJIT Director and former Chair of the Board of Directors. Her vision helped lead NAJIT to greater heights and her legacy lives on in our Association and the entire profession that she so selflessly served. Esther is gone too soon, but she has left an indelible mark on our profession and on everyone she touched. May cherished memories bring comfort to her family and friends, and may she rest in peace. Click the image on the right to read more about the life and work of Esther Navarro-Hall.

November 7, 2018 – Announcement from the Board of Directors: Click the icon below to read a letter from the Board of Directors announcing a new member benefit (The NAJIT Healthcare Program) and some other important items.

October 23, 2018 – “Subject to Interpretation” with Agustin de la Mora interviews NAJIT’s Executive Director –Click the icon on the right to listen to an interview with NAJIT’s Executive Director, Rob Cruz, to hear about how he came to the profession and his work at NAJIT. Find all episodes of “Subject to Interpretation” here.

July 26, 2018 – NAJIT releases a statement on the perils of subpoenaing an interpreter to testify about the substance of an assignment. Click the icon below to read the statement.

June 20, 2018 – NAJIT Addresses the Georgia Commission on Interpreters: Executive Director, Rob Cruz, represented NAJIT by addressing the Georgia Commission on Interpreters on June 20th, 2018 as part of their continuing efforts to promote high standards regarding language access. Mr. Cruz spoke on key aspects of the profession such as attracting more potential interpreters and the importance of continuing education requirements. Click the icon below for more details on the event.

June 9, 2018 – 2018 NAJIT Election Results: Congratulations to the 2018 Board of Directors election winners: Aimee Benavides, Armando Ezquerra Hasbun, Claudia Rubio Samulowitz, and Teresa Salazar. The board has selected Aimee Benavides as the Chair of the Board, returning board member Hilda Zavala as Treasurer and Claudia Rubio Samulowitz as Secretary. The Nominations Committee should be commended for all of their efforts.

May 22, 2018 – Announcing a new resource to aid in sharing the benefits of working with a professional interpreter: The NAJIT Bench and Bar Committee is proud to share a second infographic resource. This infographic is designed to help share the benefits of working with a professional interpreter. Click the thumbnail below to access the infographic. Access the bench and bar page to view more resources.

May 1, 20182018 NAJIT Scholar Winners: The NAJIT Board is proud to announce the 2018 NAJIT Scholars. Click the image below to view all five scholarship recipients.

April 13, 2018NAJIT Responds to a Draft of a New Fee Schedule for Workers Compensation Interpreters in California: Lorena Ortiz Schneider, from the California Workers’ Compensation Interpreters Association, brought to our attention that a draft of a new fee schedule for workers compensation interpreters in California has been released and is open for public comment. Click the icon below to read the full story and NAJIT’s response.

February 28, 2018 – Announcing a new resource to aid in working with interpreters in a legal setting: The NAJIT Bench and Bar Committee is proud to share a helpful script for professionals who are working with interpreters in a legal setting. It doesn’t come naturally, but with these tips, it can certainly be a smooth process.

February 7, 2018 – Thanks to an excellent suggestion, we are proud to present an additional member benefit: discounted subscription to Nominations for the Board are ending shortly – stay tuned for more information regarding upcoming elections.


December 20, 2017 – The call for papers has officially ended. Thanks to everyone who submitted a proposal! The board is pleased to announce that we received the highest number in recent years for our annual conference to be held in San Francisco June 8-10, 2018, with almost 100 proposals. The conference committee will now begin the challenging task of choosing between the excellent proposals to put together the preliminary program for the conference which will be made available as soon as it is ready.

November 10, 2017 – Take a look at a recent article written by Sylvia Falchuk on her experience being a presenter and an attendee at the NAJIT 38th Annual Conference, “2017 Artículo NAJIT para revista CTPCBA FALCHUK“. The article was published in Spanish. Here is an abstract of the article written in English.

October 25-28, 2017 – NAJIT exhibited at the ATA conference. NAJIT Chair, Gladys Matthews, attended several events on behalf of NAJIT (Interpret America 6 and a meeting of the National Interpreter Association Coalition (NIAC)). We would also like to thank the NAJIT members that helped share NAJIT’s story with ATA attendees: Heidi Cazes, Liz Essary, Eneyda Dubon, Anastasiya Kogan, Gunilla Medina, Athena Matilsky, Sabine Michael, and Garrett Michaelson Bradford.

October 20, 2017 – This is the first of many regular updates from the Board to NAJIT members and friends of NAJIT. We will share with you the projects we are working on for the benefit of membership and the association.

  • One current project we are working on is the formation of the committees. It’s not too late to volunteer. Committee appointments, including the chairs and co-chairs, will be announced soon.
  • NAJIT will be at booth 28 at the ATA conference this month. Stop by and say hi!
  • You can now follow NAJIT on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.