Portland, OR 97203
Languages Spanish, French, English
Interpreter Specialties Telephone/Remote, Transcription and Translation, Simultaneous, General, Court/Legal, Consecutive
Translator Specialties Translation, Transcription and Translation, Proofreading, General, Editing
Federally Certified
Federally Certified by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Spanish
States Certified (or equivalent official designation by the State Office of Administration) Washington, Oregon, Idaho
ATA Certified
Professional Information
Federal Court Certified Interpreter - Spanish State Court Certified in Idaho and Oregon (Master Level), and Washington. ATA Certified English into Spanish Translator
Something You Should Know
Administrative Office of the United States Courts- Idaho Supreme Court - Oregon Judicial Department - Washington Administrative Office of the Courts - American Translators Association M.A. in Language, Literature, and Translation, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee