Martin Hoffman

Martin Hoffman, LLC

Brooklyn, NY 11237

Languages Portuguese, Portuguese Brazilian, English, French, Spanish

Interpreter Specialties Consecutive, Medical, Liaison, Immigration, Diplomatic, Court/Legal, Conference, Transcription and Translation, Telephone/Remote, Simultaneous, General

Translator Specialties Translation, Transcription and Translation, General

States Certified (or equivalent official designation by the State Office of Administration) New York

ATA Certified

Professional Information

Specialist in legal interpreting and translation. Clients include the United Nations, Fortune 500 companies, U.S. Department of Justice, NGOs, major law firms, and high-tech industry players. Extensive experience interpreting at trials, depositions, hearings and high-level conferences and events throughout the U.S. and abroad. Certified New York State court interpreter. United Nations category 1 freelance interpreter. Consulate of France certification. Professional, fast and reliable.

Something You Should Know

Certified New York State court interpreter. United Nations category 1 freelance interpreter. M.A. in Translation from the École Supérieure d'Interprètes et de Traducteurs (E.S.I.T., Graduate School of Translation and Interpreting), Université Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle.