The NAJIT Nominations Committee is pleased to announce the call for nominations for our annual elections. The Nominations Committee has the responsibility of proposing candidates to the Board of Directors for the subsequent election. This year NAJIT will hold elections for two board positions to serve a two-year term. Officers and directors commit to dedicate their time and talents to NAJIT on a volunteer basis and receive no compensation. The results of the elections will be announced at our Annual Meeting on June 7, 2025.
The terms of current Directors, Nattalia Paterson, and Janis Palma, expire on June 7, 2025. Neither Nattalia nor Janis will be seeking re-election.
Who is Eligible?
Under NAJIT’s Bylaws, any member in good standing who has maintained Active Member status for two continuous years as of February 23, 2023 is eligible for nomination. Members uncertain of their status may verify it with headquarters.
How does the Nomination Process Work?
Members may nominate themselves or may be nominated by fellow members. If you plan to submit names for nomination, we recommend contacting the potential nominees first, explaining your intention and the fact that a nomination does not guarantee a formal invitation to run for office. All nominations should include the nominee’s complete name and contact information, and a statement explaining why the nominee would make a good addition to the Board of Directors. The Nominations Committee will verify eligibility and invite the nominees to apply and provide more information about themselves.
All nominations must be emailed to the Nominations Committee at:
Nomination Deadline has been extended
Nominations must be received before close of business on March 29, 2025.