22 Aug Management Change Announcement
Esteemed members,
After careful and difficult deliberation, the NAJIT Board of Directors has voted to end its management agreement with Alliance Management Group effective July 31st, 2015. We sincerely appreciate and acknowledge the hard work and dedication of Robin Lanier and all the individuals who served as NAJIT Administrators, most recently Tanni Rednor. We wish them both continued success in their future endeavors.
As of July 9th, we have contracted with Comprehensive Management and Consulting, Inc. (CMAC) to provide management services and support staff. CMAC is owned and operated by Rob Cruz and Susan Porteous. Rob has a wealth of experience in the operation of non-profit organizations, having served in leadership positions for numerous associations. In addition, he has expertise gained through years of experience in the private sector and brings industry-specific knowledge that will be invaluable to our association. Rob will serve as our new Executive Director and will oversee most of the day-to-day operations of NAJIT. His partner, Susan Porteous, has 17 years of experience in the financial services industry, much of it focused on financial management, training, and event planning. Susan also holds the Certified Financial PlannerTM designation. She will serve as NAJIT’s new Administrator. Rob can be reached at Execdirector@najit.org and Susan at Admin@najit.org No other existing email distribution lists should be affected by this change. NAJIT’s main office location will now be in Atlanta, Georgia. Our new address and phone numbers are:
2002 Summit Blvd. Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30319
Rest assured that we will work closely with CMAC to minimize any disruption in services while striving to offer the best member experience possible. Our entire Board of Directors is excited to work with CMAC and we look forward to a great partnership in service of all NAJIT members.
Thank you for your continued support,
The NAJIT Board of Directors
Esther Navarro-Hall, Chair
Claudia Villalba, Secretary
Bethany Korp-Edwards, Treasurer
Jennifer De La Cruz, Director
Melinda González-Hibner, Director