01 Sep Letter From the Editor Summer 2019
Letter from the Editor: Proteus 2019 Summer Volume XXXII Issue No 1

By Arianna M. Aguilar
This month we have several articles of interest. For example, one article, authored by yours truly, is about how to deal with anxiety in the workplace, and it examines the psychological causes of anxiety and offers several techniques that can be used to overcome it.
There is also an article about the interpreter’s role in mediations, and another about intercultural alignment, that is, how cultural brokering to enhance linguistic comprehension for legal purposes outside the courtroom can often be useful and effective.
As always, we have a clever poem by Hal Sillers.
I want to thank our Proteus staff and the contributors for all their hard work. We are always looking for contributions, and encourage you to use this platform to explore issues of interest to NAJIT members and the legal interpreting profession.
On a different note, it is with mixed feelings that I hereby announce I will be stepping down from my role as Editor-in-Chief of Proteus. I will miss working with everyone, and I hope to continue contributing in a different role as a copy editor and author.
Thank you to the Board for all your support! I look forward to seeing how Proteus evolves.
Again, thank you. It’s not a goodbye but rather a “see-you-soon”!
Warm regards,
Arianna M. Aguilar