01 Sep For Better or Verse: Interpret This

By Hal Sillers
Interpret This
Madam witness, is it not true
Had you not been where you
Said you were not you’d not have got
To see what you did not view?
Could you ask me that again?
I am not quite sure that I can
Get what you mean about what I’ve seen.
Go back to where you began.
Yes. Of course. So, Is it not so
Had you been, but did not go
Over to the place, nor to that space
You didn’t see and did not know?
Your Honor, must I answer this?
A question that is by far amiss
Of any meaning, and It is demeaning.
If I respond I’ll surely be remiss.
Counsel, will you please refrain
From asking questions so arcane
And so much awry I don’t wonder why
This witness feels she must abstain?
Of course, Your Honor, I’ll go back
To the beginning and stay on track,
Hoping to be clear, and thus will adhere
To the objective of my former tack.
Madam witness, is it not true
Had you not been where you
Said you were not you’d not have got
To see what you did not view?
And on it goes…

[Hal Sillers is a MN state and federally certified interpreter of Spanish and frequent contributor to this column. Hal is also the Staff Interpreter for the MN 8th Judicial District.]